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Submission Title: [Compatible DSSS g Network Communications Proposal]

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Presentation on theme: "Submission Title: [Compatible DSSS g Network Communications Proposal]"— Presentation transcript:

1 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)
Submission Title: [Compatible DSSS g Network Communications Proposal] Date Submitted: [April 1, 2009] Source: [Scott Weikel] Company [Elster Electricity] Address: [208 South Rogers Lane; Raleigh, NC ] Voice:[ ] Re: [ TG4 PHY Layer Proposal] Abstract: Proposal for DSSS compatible changes for g Purpose: Contribution to IEEE g Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P Scott Weikel, Elster Electricity

2 Compatible DSSS 802.15.4g Network Communications Proposal
May 11, 2009 IEEE g

3 Introduction Address all of the nine items listed in the PAR
Determine what would be required to change to comply with the PAR Proposed changes that would satisfy the PAR. Scott Weikel, Elster Electricity

4 Scope/Goals of TG4g (from the PAR)
Define an alternate PHY layer for with only those MAC modifications needed to support the PHY layer implementation Support operation in any of the regionally available license exempt frequency bands, such as 700MHz to 1GHz, and the 2.4 GHz band Data rate of at least 40 kbps but not more than 1000 kbps Achieve the optimal energy efficient link margin given the environmental conditions encountered in Smart Metering deployments Principally outdoor communications PHY frame sizes up to a minimum of 1500 octets Simultaneous operation for at least 3 co-located orthogonal networks Connectivity to at least one thousand direct neighbors characteristic of dense urban deployments Provide mechanisms that enable coexistence with other systems in the same band(s) including IEEE , and systems Scott Weikel, Elster Electricity

5 Proposal to Address Goals of TG4
PAR: Define an alternate PHY layer for with only those MAC modifications needed to support the PHY layer implementation Overview of Proposed PHY Layer Only make changes to that are necessary to address PAR Use same frequency bands Use existing modulations Use existing data rates Scott Weikel, Elster Electricity

6 Proposal to Address Goals of TG4
PAR: Support operation in any of the regionally available license exempt frequency bands, such as 700MHz to 1GHz, and the 2.4 GHz band No changes to needed already supports the following bands 868MHz, 917MHz 2450 MHz Scott Weikel, Elster Electricity

7 Proposal to Address Goals of TG4
PAR: Data rate of at least 40 kbps but not more than 1000 kbps No changes to needed already supports 20kbps 40kbps 100kbps 250kbps Scott Weikel, Elster Electricity

8 Proposal to Address Goals of TG4
PAR: Achieve the optimal energy efficient link margin given the environmental conditions encountered in Smart Metering deployments No changes to needed Scott Weikel, Elster Electricity

9 Proposal to Address Goals of TG4
PAR: Principally outdoor communications No changes to needed Scott Weikel, Elster Electricity

10 Proposal to Address Goals of TG4
PAR: PHY frame sizes up to a minimum of 1500 octets Changes are needed to Change aMaxPHYPacketSize to 4095 octets Change PHY Header to 2 or 3 octets to allow larger payload Could expand Frame Check Sequence Scott Weikel, Elster Electricity

11 PHY Protocol Data Unit Existing PPDU Packet
Proposed #1 Extended PPDU Packet Octets 1 variable Preamble SFD Frame Length (7 bits) Reserved (1 bit) PSDU SHR PHR PHY payload Octets 1 variable Preamble SFD Frame Length (7 bits) Extended Length (1 bit) Upper extended addr (5 bits) Future (3 bits) PSDU SHR PHR PHY payload Scott Weikel, Elster Electricity

12 PHY Protocol Data Unit Existing PPDU Packet
Octets 1 variable Preamble SFD Frame Length (7 bits) Reserved (1 bit) PSDU SHR PHR PHY payload Proposed #2 Extended PPDU Packet Octets 1 2 variable Preamble SFD Frame Length (7 bits) Set value = 4 Reserved (1 bit) Extended Frame Length (12 bits) Future (4 bits) PSDU SHR PHR PHY payload Scott Weikel, Elster Electricity

13 Proposal to Address Goals of TG4
PAR: Simultaneous operation for at least 3 co-located orthogonal networks No changes to needed 27 channels are specified now in all bands 10 channels are specified in the 917MHz band These channels are simultaneously available This is efficient use of bandwidth Scott Weikel, Elster Electricity

14 Proposal to Address Goals of TG4
PAR: Connectivity to at least one thousand direct neighbors characteristic of dense urban deployments No changes to needed Scott Weikel, Elster Electricity

15 Proposal to Address Goals of TG4
PAR: Provide mechanisms that enable coexistence with other systems in the same band(s) including IEEE , , and No changes to needed Coexistence already exists Scott Weikel, Elster Electricity

16 Summary IEEE 802.15.4 is widely used in many successful applications
is now interoperable (within a frequency band) PAR for 4g amendments listed only a few “improvements” needed Scott Weikel, Elster Electricity

17 With a few simple changes we can:
Conclusion: With a few simple changes we can: satisfy the PAR and maintain interoperability Scott Weikel, Elster Electricity

18 Thank you!!            

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