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Ancient China.

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Presentation on theme: "Ancient China."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ancient China

2 Henan Province

3 The Beginnings of Chinese civilization
Started with farming villages along the Yellow River 5000 BCE Sites have found pottery, jade, utensils First known Dynasty = Xia Dynasty 2070 – 1600 BCE Yu the Great Controlled the flooding of the river with 13 years dedicated work Established hereditary system of monarchy People believed in one god – Shangti – the Great Ancestor

4 Shang Dynasty Tang overthrew Jie, the last Xia ruler
Writing, Religion, Architecture and bronze metallurgy

5 Shang Dynasty – Zhou Dynasty
The king had all of the secular duties but was also the intermediary between the living and the dead – ie Divine Right People felt the gods were too distant from them so they communicated and revered their ancestors because they were closer to them. King Zhou of Shang lost the kingdom to King Wu from Zhou province in 1046 BCE and created the Zhou Dynasty Mandate of Heaven – if a ruler is not serving the people well enough, he will be overthrown.

6 Philosophy During the Zhou period there was a dramatic rise in Arts, poetry and Philosphy Kong Qiu – (Confucious) – Believed in order, loyalty, reverence for family and ancestors, respect for elders. Lao Tse – (Wrote the Dao de Jing) – effortless action the middle path Sun Tzu – The Art of War – Stories of military genius compiled during the warring period. 7 States at war until

7 First Emperor Ying Zheng from Qin province emerged victorious in 221BCE and proclaimed himself the First Emperor (Shi Huangdi). Unified all seven states Took over the Mandate from heaven During the Warring period, battle was for the elite and was very ordered.

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