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Return to Home Page Slides for September 26, 2013 GEOG 433.

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Presentation on theme: "Return to Home Page Slides for September 26, 2013 GEOG 433."— Presentation transcript:

1 Return to Home Page Slides for September 26, 2013 GEOG 433

2 Nostalgia

3 News of Russia – October 5, 2009
Seattle Times, Oct. 5, 2009, p. A4. News of Russia – October 5, 2009

4 Czechoslovakia= NATO

5 Comparison of the Latitude of the USA and former USSR
- Most of Russia lies to the north of the United States - Moscow at 55 45’is same latitude as Edinburgh, Scotland and north of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada - St. Petersburg at 59 55’, basically has 60th parallel running right through it - Would be located just south of Anchorage, Alaska (61 N) - In Canada, this is southern boundary of Northern Territories, and only 90,000 people live north of this latitude while in Russia, there are dozens of cities of this size north of 60 - Washington, DC is 38 54’ about same as Dushanbe, capital of Tajikistan which is southernmost capital in FSU - “Northerness” in former Soviet Union, now Russia, has had a great influence on its history and economy 5

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