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Presentation on theme: "To start the presentation, click on this button in the lower right corner of your screen. The presentation will begin after the screen changes and you."— Presentation transcript:

1 To start the presentation, click on this button in the lower right corner of your screen. The presentation will begin after the screen changes and you press enter. Developed by: U-MIC

2 Exception from informed consent requirements for emergency research
Developed by: U-MIC University of Michigan IRB Collaborative

3 Exception from informed consent
21 CFR 50.24 exception to requirement to obtain consent prior to participation certain emergency research protocols without consent subjects’ condition prevents them from consenting prior to participation Exception requires separate IND/IDE even if IND/IDE for same agent already exists Developed by: U-MIC

4 Exception from informed consent
Criteria from exception from informed consent life-threatening situation available treatments unproved or unsatisfactory need for scientific evidence of safety/effectiveness IRB must determine that consent is not feasible because subjects’ condition prevents them from consenting intervention necessary before LAR can provide consent no reasonable way to identify potential subjects in advance Developed by: U-MIC

5 Exception from informed consent
IRB must determine that research offers potential direct benefit life-threatening condition that necessitates intervention animal and other preclinical studies demonstrate potential direct benefit to humans reasonable risks subjects’ condition risks/benefits of standard treatment potential benefits of proposed intervention exception is necessary in order to conduct research Developed by: U-MIC

6 Exception from informed consent
Proposed research plan must define period in which intervention is expected to be effective (therapeutic window) how researcher will attempt to contact and obtain consent from LAR how researcher will summarize attempts to contact and obtain consent from LAR Developed by: U-MIC

7 Exception from informed consent
IRB must review and approve informed consent document/process for use when subject or LAR can provide consent procedures or information for LARs and family members to give them the opportunity to object to participation in the research Developed by: U-MIC

8 Exception from informed consent
Researcher must provide additional protections of subjects’ rights/welfare consultation with community representatives where research will take place subjects will be drawn public disclosure of planned research prior to initiating public disclosure of information after research is complete subject demographics study results independent data monitoring committee Developed by: U-MIC

9 Exception from informed consent
IRB must determine that procedures exist for informing subject, LAR, and family members of subject’s participation details about research all information addressed in consent document right to withdraw from research without penalty If subject’s condition improves researcher must inform subject of research as soon as feasible Developed by: U-MIC

10 Exception from informed consent requirements for emergency research
Developed by: U-MIC

11 thank you. Brian Seabolt Robin Sedman Judy Birk IRBMED Developed by:

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