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Presented by PGY 吳和益 Data:

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1 Presented by PGY 吳和益 Data:2014.04.22

2 Identified Information
Name: 陳○渝 Sex: F Age: 1y/o 11m/o Date of Admission: 2014/04/08 Data provider: Father Chief Complaint Abdominal pain for 1 day

3 Clinical Course 4/5 4/7 morning 4/7 night

4 Clinical Course 4/8 morning 4/8 noon

5 Past History Birth History:
G2P2, C/S, GA: 39+1 weeks, Birth weight: 3310 g, DIOC (-), PROM (-), prolonged labor (-) Apgar score: 910 Feeding: On full diet Vaccination: As schedule, pneumococcal vaccine 13 (+), rotaviral vaccine (-), Influenza vaccine (-) Growth and Development: Weight: 12.9 kg (85 th%), body length: 89.8 cm (85~97 th%), head circumference: 47.0 cm (50 th%) Developmental milestones: WNL Medical History: Denied other major disease delay of initial crying premature rupture of membrane prolonged labor within normal limit

6 Physical Examination 4/8 afternoon

7 Laboratory Data

8 mesenteric lymph nodes within this target lesion
Image Target sign Psudokidey sign mesenteric lymph nodes within this target lesion

9 Barium reduction

10 Barium reduction Spring coil sign

11 Barium reduction

12 Barium reduction

13 Barium reduction Ileo-colic type

14 Clinical Course 4/8 4/9 4/9


16 EPIDEMIOLOGY Intussusception:Invagination of a part of the intestine into itself The most common abdominal emergency of intestinal obstruction between 6 ~ 36 month-old <2 ys (80~90%) Less common before 3 months and after 6 years old Male predominance Male : Female : 3:2 Higher incidence in spring and autumn  may suggest a preceding viral infection Viral infection : adenovirus, rotavirus, and human herpesvirus 6  has been reported to be associated with intussusception

17 Causes & Predispositions
90 % intussusceptions : ileo-colic

Sudden onset ,intermittent, severe, crampy, progressive abdominal pain inconsolable crying drawing up of the legs toward the abdomen episodes with 15 to 20 minute intervals Vomiting may follow episodes of abdominal pain

Abdominal pain : sudden onset of Intermittent Severe Crampy Bloody stool Currant-jelly stool Sausage-shaped abdominal mass Right side of abdomen <15% at the time of presentation

20 Diagnosis Ultrasonography : Sensitivity and specificity
approach 100 % Monitor the success of reduction Less radiation exposure

21 Target sign, Doughnut sign
Sandwish sign Pseudokidney sign

22 Management Non-operative Reduction
Hydrostatic technique Pneumatic technique Risk of perforation :1 % Failure of reduction : 10% After successful reduction Should be admitted for 12 to 24 hours 10% recurrent rate after radiologic reduction Surgical intervention

23 Management Surgical Indications Recurrent rate: about 1%
Evidence of perforation Nonoperative reduction not available Nonoperative reduction unsuccessful For evaluation or resection of pathological lead point Recurrent rate: about 1%

24 Take Home Massage Surgical Indications
The most common abdominal emergency of intestinal obstruction between 6~36 month-old Clinic triad: Abdominal pain Bloody stool Abdominal mass Management Non-operative Reduction Risk of perforation :1 % Failure of reduction : 10% Surgical intervention Surgical Indications


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