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Lymphatic system lymphatic vessel lymphatic tissue lymphatic organ.

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Presentation on theme: "Lymphatic system lymphatic vessel lymphatic tissue lymphatic organ."— Presentation transcript:

1 lymphatic system lymphatic vessel lymphatic tissue lymphatic organ

2 lymphatic vessels lymphatic capillary lymphatic vessel
lymphatic trunks lumbar trunks(2) brochomediastinal trunks(2) subclavian trunks(2) jugular trunks(2) intestinal trunk lymphatic ducts thoracic duct right lymphatic duct

3 lymphatic ducts thoracic duct from cisterna chyli (L1)
to left venous angles right lymphatic duct right brochomediastinal trunks right subclavian trunks right jugular trunks

4 Lymph node of head Lymph node of neck

5 axillary lymph nodes lateral pectoral lymph nodes
subscapular lymph nodes central apicales

6 Lymphatics of lower extremity
superficial inguinal lymph nodes deep inguinal lymph nodes

7 Pelvic lymph nodes internal iliac lymph nodes
external iliac lymph nodes common iliac lymph nodes sacral lymph node

8 Lymphatics of abdomen abdominal lymph nodes lumbar lymph node
※ celiac trunk superior mesenteric artery inferior mesenteric artery

9 Thymus to develop lymph cell

10 spleen 位 置 形 态 韧 带 毗 邻 触诊标志 ※ 脾门(位置、组成)

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