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Do you like bananas? Section A

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1 Do you like bananas? Section A
Unit 6 Do you like bananas? Section A

2 Vegetables and fruits are healthy foods.
Do you like them? Vegetables and fruits are healthy foods.

3 Does she like it? Yes, she does. a banana Does he like ? strawberries No, he doesn’t. a strawberry

4 We don’t like pears But John likes them. And he doesn’t like peaches

5 ` potatoes tomatoes Where’re the tomatoes? They’re under the table. Does your brother like ? carrots Yes, he does.

6 × Our mother has some tomatoes and potatoes. But she doesn’t have any carrots.

7 some cakes a hamburger some bread Is ice-cream healthy? an egg some ice-cream salad

8 n. 可数名词 不可数名词 countable nouns uncountable nouns 修饰词+ 单数形式 复数形式(pl.)
(some) bread/rice (无单复数) 不可数名词 a piece of bread uncountable nouns a glass of milk 指种类时可数:food, fruit, vegetable, and so on; 有时可数,有时不可数:salad, ice-cream, chicken

9 What does the child like for breakfast?
He likes bread for breakfast.

10 Some, and用于肯定句; any, or用于否定句、疑问句。 ice-cream or salad
Our teacher doesn’t eat after dinner. Because they’re not healthy.

11 meat fish some rice some chicken
Our friend eats meat and rice for lunch every day. And he doesn’t like chicken or fish. some rice some chicken

12 a glass of milk a box of milk drinks three tins of coke a cup of coffee

13 What does their daughter drink after breakfast?
She drinks a glass of milk after breakfast.

14 foodS fruits: vegetables: meat: an orange an apple a pear peaches
bananas strawberries vegetables: tomatoes carrots potatoes meat: fish, chicken 14

15 drinks other foods a glass of milk, a cup of tea
cakes, an egg, burgers, salad, ice cream, rice, (a piece of) bread

16 Unit 6 Do you like bananas?

17 d i f h b g c j e a 1. hamburgers __ 2. tomatoes __ 3. oranges __
Match the words with the things in the picture. 1. hamburgers __ 2. tomatoes __ 3. oranges __ 4. ice-cream __ 5. salad __ 6. bananas __ 7. strawberries __ 8. pears __ 9. milk __ 10. bread__ d i f h b g c j e a

18 1b Listen and number the conversations.
A: Do you like salad? B: No, I don’t. 2 A: Do you like bananas? B: Yes, I do. 1 A: Do you like oranges? B: Yes, I do. 3

19 2a listen and circle the food you hear.听录音,圈出你所听到的食物。
hamburgers pears broccoli French fries oranges bananas ice cream salad

20 2a Listen and circle the food you hear.
hamburgers pears tomatoes strawberries oranges ice cream salad bananas

21 2b Listen again. Fill in the blanks.
ice cream tomatoes ice cream tomatoes

22 2d Role-play the conversation.
Jack: Hey, John’s birthday dinner is next week. Let’s think about the food. Tom: Sure. How about burgers, vegetable salad, and some fruit? Bill: Sounds good. John likes hamburgers. Jack: Oh, I don’t like salad. Bill: But John likes salad, and it’s his birthday. Jack: Yes, you’re right. What about the fruit? Tom: I think John likes strawberries and apples. Bill: OK. Let’s have strawberries and apples then.

23 可数名词复数形式的构成1 名词特点 词尾加法 词尾读音方法 例词 一般情况下 1. -s在清辅音后读[s] desks
2. -s在浊辅音后读[z] apples 加-s 3. -s在元音后读[z] trees 4. 以音素[ s, z, ʒ] ]结尾的,读[iz] oranges 以s, x, sh, -ch 结尾的 boxes 加-es -es读[iz] watches 改f或fe为v 再加-es knives 以f 或 fe 结尾的 -ves读[vz] wives

24 可数名词复数形式的构成 2 名词特点 词尾加法 词尾读音方法 例词 -ies读[iz] 改y为i 再加-es 以辅音字母加y结尾的
families dictionaries -s读[z] 以元音字母加y结尾的 加-s boys keys -es读[z] 有生命的事物加-es tomatoes potatoes 以o 结尾的 -s读[z] 无生命的事物加-s photos radios 24

25 可数名词和不可数名词 既可数又不可数的名词 e.g. (1)a chicken 一只鸡 chicken 鸡肉
定义:在某些情况下能计数,在某些情况下不能计数的名词。 e.g. (1)a chicken 一只鸡 chicken 鸡肉 (2)an ice cream 一个冰淇淋 ice cream 冰淇淋(指成份) (3)a salad 一碟沙拉 salad 沙拉(指成份)

26 Countable nouns: hamburgers, eggs, oranges, bananas, apples, pears, carrots, vegetables, tomatoes, strawberries Uncountable nouns: milk, bread, rice Countable and uncountable nouns: food, fruit, ice-cream, salad, chicken

27 Pair work Bob Gina Does he /she like…?
Yes, he /she does No, he/she doesn’t. Bob Gina

28 He____________. likes oranges He_____________. likes broccoli He______________________. doesn’t like strawberries

29 She_________________.
likes French fries She__________________. doesn’t like pears She_________________. doesn’t like salad

30 Underline the correct words in the brackets.
I like fruit, but I (don’t/doesn’t) like vegetables. 2. She (like/likes) bread, but she (doesn’t/don’t) like oranges. 3. He (like/likes ) bananas, but he (don’t/doesn’t) like oranges. 4.We (likes/like) hamburgers, but we don’t (like/likes) chicken. 5.They (likes/like) pears, but they (don’t/doesn’t) like strawberries.

31 口So, let’s get salad. 口Yes, I do. 口Do you like salad? 口OK.
Number these sentences [1-4] to make a conversation. 3b 口So, let’s get salad. 口Yes, I do. 口Do you like salad? 口OK. 3 2 1 4

32 Pair work: Food Survey 3c Ask your classmates about the food in the chart. Find out what they like and don’t like. Do You Like…?

33 Unit 6 Do you like bananas? Section B

34 Yes, she does. She likes salad.
Does Sally like salad? Yes, she does She likes salad. Does Tom like apples? No, he doesn’t. He doesn’t like apples.

35 Write the number of each word next to the correct food.
orange salad eggs apple 5. ice cream 6. hamburger banana 8. chicken rice carrots 8 5 3 4 7 10 6 1 2 9

36 Pairwork fruit:_________________
1b Pairwork How many words can you add to the lists? fruit:_________________ ______________________ vegetables: ____________ ______________________ pears, carrots,

37 Listen and circle the food you hear in 1a.
orange salad eggs 4. apple 5. ice cream 6. hamburger banana 8. chicken rice carrots

38 Listen again. Fill in the chart.
1d Listen again. Fill in the chart. likes Doesn’t like carrots salad Tom apples salad, apples bananas oranges ice cream Sally vegetables

39 Which food do you think is healthy? Check( )Yes, Maybe or No. Food Yes
fruit vegetables eggs chicken hamburgers

40 Read the magazine article and circle the food words.
2b Read the magazine article and circle the food words.

41 Write five sentences about Cindy’s eating habits.
Cindy likes healthy food. 1. Cindy______________________ 2. She _________________________ 3. She_________________________ 4. Cindy doesn’t__________________ 5. She doesn’t_________________

42 Complete the survey for you and your partner.
--Do you like eggs for breakfast? --No, I don’t. I like oranges. Breakfast Lunch Dinner like I don’t like My partner likes My partner doesn’t like

43 Write about what you and your partner
like and don’t like for breakfast, lunch and dinner. For breakfast, I like________, but I don’t like______________________________ For lunch, _______________________ And for dinner, ___________________ For breakfast, ________likes________ For lunch,________________________ And for dinner,____________________

44 Practice Do you have a cousin? Does he like carrots?
Do you like bananas? Do your parents like oranges? Do you have a cousin? Does he like carrots? Does your uncle like apples?

45 Task 1 Talk about your lunch
A: Do you like rice for lunch? B: Yes, I do. /No, I don’t

46 I like …,but I don’t like…
oranges broccoli

47 We like …,but we don’t like…
salad strawberries

48 He/She likes …,but he/she doesn’t like…
tomatoes French fries

49 They like …,but they don’t like…
pears chicken

50 可数名词 (countable noun) apple — pear — hamburger — banana — orange — strawberry — tomato — apples pears hamburgers bananas oranges strawberries tomatoes

51 不可数名词 (uncountable noun)
milk ice cream salad

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