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Organism Classification

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Presentation on theme: "Organism Classification"— Presentation transcript:

1 Organism Classification
Marine Vertebrates & Invertebrates

2 Vertebrates There are 5 groups of vertebrates! Classify the organisms you wrote down from yesterday’s video into as many of those 5 groups as possible.

3 Invertebrates Classify the organisms you wrote down from yesterday’s video into related groups.

4 Major Phyla of Marine Invertebrates
Arthropoda Cnidaria Porifera Mollusca Echinodermata

5 Phylum Mollusca Using your white board and the 3 pictures, list what these organisms have in common. Bilateral symmetry 2 body features that no other animals have (mantle & muscular foot) Soft-bodied

6 What makes them Different?
3 Main Classes of Mollusks Bivalvia Gastropoda (univalves) Cephalopoda

7 How are Seashells Created?
Scientific American (Oct 23rd, 2006)

8 On your white board, compare the shells of mollusks & the shells of turtles.

9 Mollusk 1-Pager This is the last one!!

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