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Nonfiction Grades 6-8 Leadership Global Neutral 01001a

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1 Nonfiction Grades 6-8 Leadership Global Neutral 01001a
Global Warm Neutral d3d1c8 Global Accent On Dark ffbf00 Global Accent on Light ff9800 Global Accent Alt 97c410 ELA - Coral ff5147 Math 009f93 Leadership 7872bf Nonfiction Grades 6-8 Leadership

2 Grades 6-8 Leadership Standards Institute Approach
Conceptual Practical Foundations Shifts & Tools Texts & Fiction Canon & Contemporary Application: Shifts 1&2 Modules and Units Deconstructing Lessons: Shift 3 Inquiry Research and Writing Equity Strategies & Assessment Support Access Rigor Relevance July 13 - July 17 1 Today we are going to deep dive into a module, but before we do we have to get very clear around the glue that cements the text, instruction, and the standards together- which is how we ask questions, and what we ask in them

3 Grades 6-8 Leadership Today’s Sessions
Session 1: Writing Text-Dependent Questions Session 2: Shifting the Paradigm: Teaching Nonfiction in the Common Core Session 3: Shifting the Paradigm: A Standards-based Approach to Fiction Session 4: ACT, SAT, PARCC and CCSS for Leaders

4 Teaching Nonfiction in the Common Core
Grades 6-8 Leadership Session 2: Shifting the Paradigm: Teaching Nonfiction in the Common Core Participants will be able to: Evaluate an approach to teaching nonfiction in the CCSS aligned curriculum Distinguish between traditional approaches to teaching nonfiction texts and a standards-based CCSS approach to these texts 1 minutes

5 Grades 6-8 Leadership This Session’s Agenda
Understanding the importance of nonfiction texts in an ELA classroom Examining the module’s approach to teaching nonfiction texts by reading and experiencing excerpts from Odell’s Module E Pluribus Unum Experiencing lessons from Grade 8 Activity 5 Understanding argument writing and lesson design Observing a teacher in action 1 min

6 Focus Question for this Session
Why is nonfiction reading important in an ELA classroom? 1 Specifically with regards to Common Core, this question is important because of the major shift that is occurring and the focus on nonfiction texts. This question should be presented to the group but also serve as a focal point for the nonfiction section of the presentation.

7 Grades 6-8 Leadership Reviewing Instructional Shifts
Review the third ELA shift and discuss in groups: What does this shift mean for classroom instruction and curriculum? 1 This should be briefly discussed but serve mostly as a reminder for participants. Our main focus in this presentation is going to be this shift and why they are made/why they are relevant to Common Core classrooms teaching nonfiction texts.

8 Grades 6-8 Leadership Why should we teach nonfiction?
To Examine Written History Build background/historical knowledge and comprehension by reading, instead of instructing Help students understand the significance and importance of writing throughout history To Analyze Arguments Understand how people make and have made arguments As Modeling for (Argument) Writing By understanding the nonfiction writing of others, students can craft their own arguments Can also be used to teach a variety of nonfiction writing, such as literary nonfiction, research, and journalism. 3 Generally speaking, these are the three main reasons that the Core has shifted toward nonfiction. The first is very simple: so that students can learn about the world, both current and past. Ultimately, students do the majority of their background building through reading rather than instruction from the teacher. This first reason also shows the students the significance of writing (and “seminal US documents”) throughout history. The second reason goes beyond just learning about history and looking at writing, and into actually analyzing and understanding these texts. No matter the nonfiction text being studied, there is always a purpose or argument (a “central idea”) that needs to be understood by the students, and certain tools and discussions are provided throughout the module to support their understanding. The third reason is to aid students in their own writing. As participants will see in the Backward Design portion of the presentation, students will learn to delineate and evaluate other nonfiction texts so that they can better build their own arguments. Ultimately, these three reasons all lead to students understanding the importance of nonfiction writing so that they see value in their own writing and arguments both in and out of the classroom.

9 Building Evidenced-Based Arguments Grade 8 E Pluribus Unum
Understanding and Evaluating Argument: Analyzing text to Write Arguments 2 The next 3 slides will introduce participants to the Module. It should be made clear that the Module’s title is directly linked to that third reason on the previous slide (“Model for Argument Writing”). We’re understanding and evaluating the arguments of others to be able to write them ourselves.

10 Grades 6-8 Leadership Module Part 2 Analyzing Perspectives:
TEXT 4.2: “IMMIGRATION POLICY SHOULD BE OVERHAULED TO TAKE NATIONAL IDENTITY SERIOUSLY” Author: Amy Chua; Source/Publisher: Seattle Times; Date: 2008 TEXT 4.3: “IS THIS OUR AMERICA ANYMORE?” Author: Pat Buchanan; Source/Publisher:; Date: December 10, 2010 TEXT 4.4: “REMARKS AT THE SIGNING OF THE 1965 IMMIGRATION BILL” Author: President Lyndon Baines Johnson; Publisher: LBJ Library; Dates: October 3, 1965 TEXTS 4.5: “SHUT THE DOOR” AND “AN UN-AMERICAN BILL” Authors: Senator Ellison Durant Smith (D) and Representative Robert H. Clancy (R); 1 General overview of the texts in the module. Have them turn to page 7. Participants will be working directly with “IMMIGRATION POLICY SHOULD BE OVERHAULED TO TAKE NATIONAL IDENTITY SERIOUSLY” and “SHUT THE DOOR” AND “AN UN-AMERICAN BILL”

11 Grades 6-8 Leadership Sample ELA Nonfiction Text
Read the “Immigration Policy Should Be Overhauled To Take National Identity Seriously” and discuss: In paragraph 5, Chua summarizes her own family’s history as Chinese immigrants. What does this information about her personal relationship to the issue suggest is likely to be her perspective on immigration and immigration policy? How does this question shift classroom focus from a historical reading (Social Studies) to a literary one (ELA)? 10 min Participants will have these questions in the materials and should answer independently, then discuss. It should be noted this question comes directly from the module, as questions that should be discussed with students. Also, questions are directly related to RI.8.6: Determine an author's point of view or purpose in a text and analyze how an author acknowledges and responds to conflicting evidence or viewpoints.

12 Grades 6-8 Leadership ELA vs. Social Studies Classroom
Nonfiction texts like “Immigration Policy Should Be Overhauled To Take National Identity Seriously” blur the line between ELA and SS classrooms. We should embrace the opportunity for cross-content collaboration, and the opportunity to expand on our student’s knowledge base. 1 min Reading texts like “Immigration Policy Should Be Overhauled To Take National Identity Seriously” encourages students to be concerned with things like the central idea, argument, analysis, point of view, and language of the text, rather than what they would see in a social studies classroom (facts, dates, people, etc). Although this blurs the line between classroom types, it also encourages both students and teachers to cross-collaborate.

13 Grade 6-8 Leadership Reason #1: Examining Written History
Build background/historical knowledge and comprehension by reading, instead of instructing. Help students understand the significance and importance of writing throughout history RI.8.1: Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. RI.8.2: Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including its relationship to supporting ideas; provide an objective summary of the text. RI.8.3: Analyze how a text makes connections among and distinctions between individuals, ideas, or events (e.g., through comparisons, analogies, or categories). W.8.2: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content 3 min Now we will revisit those “Three Reasons for Studying Nonfiction Texts” in more details, with a look at what standards in tis activity are aligned to these three reasons. The first, again, is looking at written history. To Examine Written History Build background/historical knowledge and comprehension by reading, instead of instructing Help students understand the significance and importance of writing throughout history In what way does this activity address these standards? Providing students with a text set for lessons like allows for the building of background knowledge and the examination of history from a literary perspective

14 Grades 6-8 Leadership Reason #2: Analyzing Arguments
Understand how people make and have made arguments RI.8.1: Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. RI.8.2: Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including its relationship to supporting ideas; provide an objective summary of the text. RI.8.3: Analyze how a text makes connections among and distinctions between individuals, ideas, or events (e.g., through comparisons, analogies, or categories). W.8.2: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content. 3 min Again, that second reason for studying nonfiction texts is to examine the arguments/central ideas that are found in both historical and present-day nonfiction texts. This standard directly address the idea of understanding what these nonfiction texts are trying to say. In what way does this activity address these standards? Let’s pause here for a student- experience with Written History and Analyzing Arguments (reasons 1 & 2).

15 Grades 6-8 Leadership Analyzing Arguments: Delineating ArgumentsTool
Students are presented with multiple Delineating ArgumentsTools in order to aid in their literary understanding of the texts Independently read two historical speeches, “REMARKS AT THE SIGNING OF THE 1965 IMMIGRATION BILL” Author: President Lyndon Baines Johnson “SHUT THE DOOR” Author: Senator Ellison Durant Smith (D) Complete the “Delineating Arguments Tool for each 15 min Participants will complete an Delineating Arguments Tool. This tool shows participants how arguments of the supporting texts are delineated. Again, this serves two purposes: 1) to help students understand the supporting texts and 2) allow students to model their own arguments after those they have already delineated and examined. Sample Problem-based question on page 9 of Module: E Pluribus Unum (“Out of many, one”): Is this Latin phrase, adopted in 1782, still a fitting motto for the national seal of the United States? In what ways have US immigration laws and policies reflected – or contradicted – this motto?

16 Grades 6-8 Leadership Discuss
When you have finished, discuss the following: How does this tool address standards? How will this tool help students better understand the module’s problem- based question E Pluribus Unum (“Out of many, one”): Is this Latin phrase, adopted in 1782, still a fitting motto for the national seal of the United States? In what ways have US immigration laws and policies reflected – or contradicted – this motto? 5 min

17 Grades 6-8 Leadership Reason #3: Model for Writing
By understanding the nonfiction writing of others, students can craft their own arguments. It also be used to teach a variety of nonfiction writing, such as literary nonfiction, research, and journalism. RI.8.1: Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. RI.8.2: Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including its relationship to supporting ideas; provide an objective summary of the text. RI.8.3: Analyze how a text makes connections among and distinctions between individuals, ideas, or events (e.g., through comparisons, analogies, or categories). W.8.2: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content. 3 minutes And the third reason As Modeling for (Argument) Writing By understanding the nonfiction writing of others, students can craft their own arguments Can also be used to teach a variety of nonfiction writing, such as literary nonfiction, research, and journalism.

18 Grades 6-8 Leadership Power of Writing
Studying nonfiction in a CCSS ELA classroom encourages students to: Understand the power of writing as it has been and is used, throughout history Model and craft their own arguments after and in response to historically significant texts Value their own writing as a tool for their convictions to be heard both in and out of the classroom 2 It is here that participants should come full circle in their understanding of the way nonfiction is taught in the Modules. The three reasons for studying nonfiction (examining writing throughout history, understanding argument/purpose, and modeling for writing) all lead to one end goal: students will not only become better writers of nonfiction and argument writing, but they will also realize the value and importance of being able to write effectively. They will see that throughout history, writing strong documents and arguments has lead to change and allowed people’s voices to be heard. Similarly, students who learn to write effectively can use their writing to allow their voices to be heard both in and out of the classroom.

19 Grades 6-8 Leadership Crafting an Argument
Central Claim: The main argument an author is making Counterclaim: An argument made to disprove a previous claim Supporting Claim: An evidence-based statement made in support of the central claim 3 This slide serves to help participants understand these three terms as they move into examining the actual activities found in 9.4- the evaluating arg. tool handout is an example of how to teach these terms that will be new to many students, and can also serve as a note catcher.

20 Grades 6-8 Leadership Visualizing the structure for students
2 Sample of a classroom visualization of the parts or building blocks of a “Good Argument.”

21 Grades 6-8 Leadership Building an Argument
Independently, read “Congress Tried to Fix Immigration Back in Why Did It Fail?” to build an argument about part of the problem-based question: In what ways have US immigration laws and policies reflected – or contradicted – this motto (i.e. E Pluribis Unum)? Annotate for the author’s claims and evidence Use the Forming an Evidence-Based Claim Tool on to organize your planning for an individual response. 10 Participants will complete an Evaluating Argument Tool which is taken from 9.4 Lesson 10. This tool shows participants how arguments are the arguments of the supporting texts are delineated. Again, this serves two purposes: 1) to help students understand the supporting texts and 2) allow students to model their own arguments after those they have already delineated and examined.

22 Grades 6-8 Leadership Evaluating an Argument
With a partner, discuss your argument, sharing your Evaluating Argument Tool. Use the following questions to guide the conversation: What arguments does the author make? What claims does the author use to support the argument? What possible counter-claims could challenge the author’s point of view? 5 After completing the tool in the previous slide, participants will discuss what they found. This is important to aid participants in the completion of the next slide

23 After watching the video here
Grades 6-8 Leadership Video Observation Developing Evidence-based Argument After watching the video here What evidence do you see of these Standards? 8.1 SL 8.1.a. SL 8.1.d. Were the questions text-dependent? 35 minutes: 5 minute materials preview: Hand out lesson plan, text rationale and lesson materials. 15 minute video. Using the lesson plan, text rationale, and lesson materials as references, observe Mr. Reisenfeld’s lesson from a unit on Imperialism. 12 minute discussion of Standards, TDQs (next slide) 3 minute summarizer

24 What questions would you ask this teacher?
Grades 6-8 Leadership Video Observation Developing Evidence-based Argument What questions would you ask this teacher? How could he close the gap between his lesson as designed and the 3 reasons for nonfiction? What would your feedback be? What would your development plan be? 35 minutes: 5 minute materials preview: Hand out lesson plan, text rationale and lesson materials. 15 minute video. Using the lesson plan, text rationale, and lesson materials as references, observe Mr. Reisenfeld’s lesson from a unit on Imperialism. 12 minute discussion of Standards, TDQs 3 minute summarizer

25 Grades 6-8 Leadership Reflect and Write
What is the gap between where you need to be and where you are? What do you need to lead and support this work? •Systems and structures •People •Resources Who needs to learn what by when? •You •Leadership team •Staff 4-5 minutes

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