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Cheating/Plagiarism: A guide

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1 Cheating/Plagiarism: A guide
Ms. Hickman, English I

2 In the past, when talking with students, I have heard excuses…
“So and so also does it!” “I was just helping a friend “We worked on this together!” “So and So let me see their paper.” “I have too much work!”

3 GCS Student Handbook, pg. 23


5 What is is a website and software that efficiently can detect plagiarism and similarities between papers You will create an account What is


7 Honor Code: Will be written on some assignments
"On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment.“ Signature: ______________________________ Date: ______________ I will not grade a paper until it is signed and has this statement.

8 Discussion For some assignments, I will make it clear that you can work in small groups to complete it. For other assignments, such as homework, that is your independent work. We will talk more about each individual assignment to ensure we understand this.

9 Consequences If students are caught plagiarizing which includes copying work, it will be parent contact and a grade of “0” on the assignment If you are found to plagiarize, you lose my trust and I will begin pulling your work to check more thoroughly. You are on my radar. If I find you have plagiarized again, I will be submitting this work AND your previous work to administrators. I want you to realize how serious of a problem this is, particularly as you get older.

10 Ramifications Other than the actual trouble you can get into with this being a blemish on your record, you damage your reputation and credibility with me and other teachers. It makes it hard for me to trust you Future recommendations (SUCH AS NHS) will be blemished if I report the incident. It would be unethical for me not to report you.


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