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The Russian Revolution

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Presentation on theme: "The Russian Revolution"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Russian Revolution

2 The Revolution of 1905 The Russo-Japanese War Bloody Sunday
The Potemkin Mutiny Issues Land Reform Nationalism Industrialization Intelligensia

3 The Revolution of 1917 World War I – Russian Support of Serbia
The February Revolution Bolsheviks v. Mesheviks Lenin Returns to Finland Station “Land, Bread, Peace and all power to the Soviets” Kerensky government July Revolt Kornilov Rebellion

4 Red October November 7, 1917, The Cruiser Aurora opens fires signaling the start of the assault on the Winter Palace in Petrograd.

5 Leon Trotsky (Lev Davidovich Bronstein)
Revolutionary Party as the Vanguard of the Proletariat Theory of Permanent Revolution Promoted Proletarian Internationalism/founder COMINTERN Founded the Red Guard Exiled to Turkey then Assasinated in Mexico by Stalin’s agents

6 Trotsky’s Theory of Revolution
Revolutionary Situation Existing social structure has become incapable of solving the urgent problem of development Conspiracy v. Insurrection Louis Blanqui – Dictatorship of the Proletariat Trotsky - Revolution happens when society contains a new class to take the lead - Soviets to be Vanguard of the Proletariat Ruling class loses faith in themselves Revolutionary class has bitter hostility to the old regime

7 Trotsky’s Theory of Revolution
Success Timing Well organized, smart revolutionary party Petty Bourgeosie joins the proletariat

8 100 years later

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