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Images of the Great Depression ( )

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1 Images of the Great Depression (1929-1939)
Today you will view photographs depicting scenes from the Great Depression. You will choose 10 photos to write about: five from the “people” section; three from the “land”; and two from the “city.” First, view all the photos and notice as many details in the scene as you can. For EACH photo you choose, use sensory details to write at least SIX words describing what you see in each scene. Next, write FIVE questions someone might have about the photo. Try to ask the five W's: WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY (and HOW). Finally, ANSWER your questions in a paragraph of at least 50 words. Toggle between the photograph slide show and a word processing document. You may need to make some guesses about what is happening in the scene. Who are these people? What re they doing? What kind of situation are they in? What is going on in the picture? What are their lives like? What are they concerned about Think about the emotions portrayed by the people in the scene. Write what you think they are feeling in terms of their emotions. In you mind's eye, try to “walk a mile in their shoes.” Work hard not to write the same thing for every photo. Each person's story is unique. Respect their lives.

2 First, we'll work on one together out loud.
Look at the photograph on the next slide. What words come to mind as you look at it? What do you SEE? What questions do you wonder as you look at it? What do you THINK? What do you WONDER? 2

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4 The People of the Great Depression
Choose three photographs about which to write. Write the number of the photo, but your description should make it apparent which photo you are writing about.

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22 The Land of the Great Depression
Choose two photographs about which to write. Write the number of the photo, but your description should make it apparent which photo you are writing about.

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34 The City during the Great Depression
Choose one photograph about which to write. Write the number of the photo, but your description should make it apparent which photo you are writing about. 34

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