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Risk Based inspection in pipelines PSC th March 2018

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1 Risk Based inspection in pipelines PSC 2018 08th March 2018
BY Rangarajan seshadri sr. general manager Reliance gas transportation infrastructure limited mumbai

2 DISCLAIMER Any statement, opinion, prediction, comment, or observation made in this presentation/publication are those of the presenter/author only and in no condition should be construed necessarily representing the policy and intent of Reliance Gas Transportation Infrastructure Ltd. (RGTIL). The information presented herein are of the presenter/author’s own  and in no way RGTIL attracts any liability for any inconsistency or irregularity in terms of the accuracy completeness, veracity, or truth of the content of the presentation/publication. In addition, RGTIL shall not be liable for any copyright infringement and misrepresentation for the presented content as the content is presumed in good faith to be a creation of presenter’s/author’s own mind. The scope of this presentation/publication is strictly for knowledge sharing purposes and not necessarily to provide any advice or recommendation to the audience/readers. Any endorsement, recommendation, suggestion, or advice made by the presenter/author shall be in his personal capacity and not in professional capacity as an employee of RGTIL. Any person acting on such endorsement, recommendation, suggestion, or advice will himself/herself be responsible for any injury/damage.

3 Contents RBI Concept What is Risk Pipeline Risk Assessment
Recommended Control measures

4 Introduction Why RBI? Prioritise Inspection based on the Assessment of Risk RBI Applications Oil and Gas Industry Topside Processes Onshore Terminals Pipeline Networks Nuclear and Aviation Applications Benefits of RBI Optimise Inspection Ensure Safe Operation Provide an Audit Trail

5 RBI Concept

6 What is Risk? What do you understand when you hear the word “RISK”
Risk is too high Not sure I am willing to take risk Risk must be eliminated or reduced Risk must be assessed and managed We all take “RISK” at some point in our lives Health Risk Travel risk Financial risk

7 What would you take?

8 How do you estimate Risk?

9 Risk Overview

10 Pipeline Risk Assessment
Threat Based Job specific

11 Pipeline Risk Assessment
Identification of Risk – Risk Description & causes Risk Assessment on worst credible basis Listing down the control measures/Risk Response Risk Assessment with control measures in place Listing down proposed/future control measures Risk Assessment after implementation of proposed measures

12 Risk Identification Third Party damage External Corrosion
Internal Corrosion Stress Corrosion Weather & external forces Stray current interference Equipment – Gaskets/seals/ valves Manufacturing & constructional defects Incorrect operation Based on 9th EGIG report, Feb 2015

13 Probability of failure

14 Recommended Control Measures / Monitoring Practises
Third Party Damage Line walk – Daily for liquid pipelines, Twice in a year for gas pipelines Road Patrolling of HCA - Fortnightly Aerial patrolling - Monthly ROU Walk by Company officials – Once in a year Population Density Survey - Once in 5 years PIDS (Pipeline Intrusion and detection system) – Online Public Awareness Program - Monthly

15 Recommended Control Measures / Monitoring Practises
External Corrosion CP PSP Monitoring in field – Monthly Bell Hole Inspection / ECDA - Once in 5 years CIPL/DCVG Survey – Once in 5 years AC / DC Interference Survey – Once in 3 years Intelligent Pigging – Once in 10 years Collection and testing of soil samples in chemical discharge areas – Yearly Maintenance of rectifier units - Monthly

16 Recommended Control Measures / Monitoring Practises
Internal Corrosion Cleaning pigging – Once in 5 years for gas pipelines, Crude Oil Pipelines – once in three months, Two phase / multiphase flow – once in a year Intelligent Pigging – Once in 10 years H2O, CO2, O2,H2S Content – Monthly Moisture, Hydrocarbon Dew Point - Daily

17 Recommended Control Measures / Monitoring Practises
Natural Forces River bank Inspection – Quarterly Bathymetry Survey for perennial rivers - Once in five years GPS Mapping of river banks –Once in a year

18 Precast slabs installation in class change locations

19 Loose Rubble Dumping

20 Sheet Piling for river bank protection

21 GPS mapping of river banks

22 PIMS Software

23 PIMS Software …contd Corrosion growth rate and corresponding pipe wall thickness


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