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Welcome to Middle School!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Middle School!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Middle School!


3 Welcome to Middle School
What is a School Counselor? Ways to Get Help at Cooper How to Access ATLAS

4 What is a School Counselor?

5 Who is Mr. Yates?

6 What is a School Counselor
? What is a School Counselor

7 Principled I am here to listen! My office is a safe place
Confidentiality – what does it mean? Exception: I know you are being put in physical danger by an adult or if I suspect an adult is harming you or if you are harming yourself.

8 Open-Minded Never judge before I speak with you
Want to see things from your perspective Won’t just believe the first thing I hear

9 help you Stay Balanced Grades College Tests Family Homework Friends
Careers Interests Family Friends Relationships Feelings Emotions

10 Caring You are now a member of the Cooper family!
I believe in your ability to be successful here at Cooper Academy. I will support you in every way that I can

11 How to get help School Counselor Teachers After School Program
Before School Program Tutorial Main Office Principal Vice Principal GLA

12 Fill out a green slip in the office and I will meet with you!
Some of the 7th graders don’t know who I am yet. I will be getting into classes soon, but until then just go over this student self referral help slip. They can fill one out in the office and I will make sure to meet with them as soon as possible. The things I meet with kids about most regularly are bullying, friendship problems, help getting organized and help with poor grades. But if they need help with other things, they can come and see me for anything they need.

13 What I need from YOU!

14 Be a Risk-Taker! You are NOT in trouble. I am here to HELP!

15 I am not a Mind-Reader Be a Communicator!



18 College and Career Center (F-1)
Financial Aid Information Information about Colleges and Careers Information about the military Guest Speakers Open Days

19 ATLAS Student Portal Training

20 What is ATLAS and why do I have to use it?
Student information system Used to check grades, attendance and behavior You are expected to check your grades on ATLAS at least once a week! Where can you check?

21 ATLAS Student Logins All students should have ATLAS Login sticker on page 2 of their agenda. If you do not have one, see Mr. Yates. Important Note: This username and password is what you will need to log on to any school computer. DO NOT LOSE IT!

22 How do I login to ATLAS? From School: go/students
From Home: If you experience difficulty logging in, please contact Mr. Yates or the library.

23 ATLAS Navigation The navigation bar pictured above will quickly take you to each of the major sections of your academic profile. Refer to your handout for more details on each of the major sections of your profile.

24 Portal View: Class Summary
Class Summary provides a quick-view of your courses. Click on Teacher’s name to teacher.

25 Portal View: Attendance
Attendance View provides a three week summary of your attendance.

26 Portal View: Classwork Details
Classwork Details provides a summary of all assessments in each subject area by Category. Category Pink color signifies a grade lower than 70%. Missing This should be the part of ATLAS they look at most. Let them know the ATLAS grades are only as recent as when their teacher last entered grades so if they turned in an assignment on Tuesday, they shouldn’t expect that assignment to show up Tuesday night. Give the teaches some time to get their grades in.

27 Portal View: GPA, Progress Towards Graduation, and Grade History
The last three sections of the Portal displays Grade Point Average definitions, Student’s Progress towards graduation (middle and high school), and student’s Grade History.


29 Steps to take if there is a problem accessing the Student Portal.
Contact Mr. Yates the School Counselor in the Main Office. OR Contact the School Librarian for help if Mr. Yates is not available. Keep in mind, your parents all have access to ATLAS and can monitor your grades from home as well!


31 Reflection Who is an adult on campus that has made you feel welcome? Why? What is something you are looking forward to this year? What is something you have liked so far?

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