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W.D. Hamilton (1936-2000) Kin selection theory.

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Presentation on theme: "W.D. Hamilton (1936-2000) Kin selection theory."— Presentation transcript:

1 W.D. Hamilton ( ) Kin selection theory

2 Kin Selection & Hamilton’s Rule
Altruism is favored when: rB - C > 0 or C/B > r r = relatedness between altruist and recipient B = fitness benefit to recipient C = fitness cost to the altruist

3 Eusociality Species that live in colonies of overlapping generations
One or a few individuals produce all the offspring and the rest serve as functionally sterile helpers in rearing young and protecting the colony Division of labor Reproductive castes


5 The Naked Mole-Rat: A Eusocial Mammal

6 Division of labor and reproductive hierarchy

7 Coral Snake and Scarlet King Snake
Can you tell the difference???

8 Viceroy and Monarch Butterflies
Predators need only encounter one form to shun both.

9 The Cuckoo - A Brood Parasite

10 Garter Snakes

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