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Berthold Feldmann Eurostat

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Presentation on theme: "Berthold Feldmann Eurostat"— Presentation transcript:

1 Berthold Feldmann Eurostat
Regional and Urban Statistics Achievements since October and Work Programme 2008 Berthold Feldmann Eurostat

2 Achievements: Regional Indicators
Regular updates of regional statistics on the dissemination website Labour market statistics: new measures of dispersion Achievements: Dissemination Cities and Regions’ Profiles (CARP) pushed forward The Regional Yearbook – ready in time The Reference Guide

3 Achievements: Further Development
Methodological Database MARS Start regional energy consumption statistics Amendment of NUTS – without any problems Organise Scorus conference in Darmstadt Achievements: Urban Statistics Reference Guide for 2003/2004 data The 2006/2007 data collection – work in progress

4 Achievements: Regional classifications
Amendment for EU-25 published in OJ Feb 2007 Regulation for recalculation of historical data in case of a NUTS change in preparation LAU data received from Member States and candidate countries Postcodes linked to NUTS 2006: new project

5 Milestones ahead Cities and Regions’ Profiles (CARP) – go public
Dedicated web-site for regional and urban statistics – to be created and published Dissemination of USA and Japan regional indicators Regional government expenditure statistics – a new important project Urban Audit – finalise the 2006/2007 data collection Urban Audit – prepare 2009 data collection Labour market areas – a new way to look at regional data Linking postcodes and NUTS 2006 – to be finalised in 2008

6 Thank you for your attention!
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