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By: Georgia Jones, Joey Ladner, Virginia Kayser and Taylor Payne

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1 By: Georgia Jones, Joey Ladner, Virginia Kayser and Taylor Payne
Puritanism By: Georgia Jones, Joey Ladner, Virginia Kayser and Taylor Payne


3 Where the did the term “PURITAN” come from?
The term first came about in the mid 1560’s in England The term "Puritan" first began as a taunt or insult Was used by traditional Anglicans who criticized those who wished "purify" the Church of England A puritan was an insulting name to someone that wished to purify church of england. Puritanism was only a religious reform movement that developed within the English Protestant Church

4 Puritan Core Religious Beliefs
Total Depravity: People are made up of what we can see and what we can’t see. Unconditional Election: God decides who goes to heaven and who goes to hell. Also they believe that everything happens at the will of God. Other religions tended to not take Puritans seriously due to their biasness towards God and rejection of anything else. Limited Atonement:Jesus sacrificed his life for the “chosen” individuals only, not everyone. Irresistible Grace: Puritans were mostly known for the fixation with God. This made salvation permanent and unchangeable. Perseverance of the "Saints": Some are “chosen” by God to speak for him in any way they feel, this is close to unconditional election. Even if the chosens ones commit sins of any sort they still are guaranteed to go to heaven.

5 Puritan Religious Beliefs
Puritans wished to reform the Church of England Through many trials of error, the puritan group broke away all together in order to pursue their own beliefs The foundation of their beliefs was heavily based on the righteousness of sovereignty of God They believe God does all things by his own will and all with an intelligent end More reliant on the Old Testament

6 Predestination Predestination is a doctrine that made people want to do good in their life so that they would be chosen to have a next life God has already chosen who goes to heaven and hell but the people have no way of knowing The rich were blessed by God Strict disapproval and discipline was given to those who didn't follow the Puritan way Hard work was an honor to God which would lead to prosperous reward Church elders were also political leaders Any church infraction was also a social one

7 Puritan values in America
Puritans have had an immense impact on american education, installing the base line that everyone is taught reading, writing, and arithmetic. Puritans have instilled a sense of honesty, responsibility, hard work, and self- control.

8 Puritanism Later On They were able to create the first schools in America some of which still stand today. They led to the idea of popular sovereignty which still exists today The work ethic of Puritans still stands as a model for work ethic in America today. Many moral decisions and judgements made currently are based of off Puritanism ideals Modern day puritans are highly active in the legal field. They are hiring lawyers and taking their cases for a “nation under God” into higher courts.They take legal action in the defense of Christians who have been victimized by secularist strong-arm tactics of their arch enemy the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union).


10 Citations "AMERICA'S PURITANS TODAY AND THE 'RELIGIOUS RIGHT'" AMERICA'S PURITANS TODAY AND THE 'RELIGIOUS RIGHT' N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Nov Bloxham, Andy. "Average Age of Churchgoers Now 61, Church of England Report Finds." The Telegraph. Telegraph Media Group, n.d. Web. 04 Nov The, By 1700 Boston Became. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Nov By Locating Power in the Particular Towns and Defining. "Puritanism in New England." Puritanism in New England. N.p., 02 Nov Web.02 Nov Chavez, Erika. "Does America Feel the Influence of Puritanism Today?" N.p., 2 June Web. 9 Nov "Create Your Own Kahoot Quiz - Lessons - TES Teach." TES Teach with Blendspace. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Nov "Delve Deep to Know About All the Existent Puritan Beliefs." Buzzle., n.d. Web. 04 Nov "Puritan Values in American Society." Puritan Values in American Society. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Nov "The Puritan Beliefs." The Puritan Beliefs. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Nov

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