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DPubS: An Open Source Electronic Publishing System

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1 DPubS: An Open Source Electronic Publishing System
Sarah E. Thomas Cornell University Library CNI December 2005

2 DPubS Digital Publishing System
Funded through a grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, DPubS is an electronic publishing application that enables…. publishers to organize, manage, present, and deliver both open access and subscription controlled scholarly communications; and users to discover, navigate, and access scholarly content.

3 DPubS Partners Cornell University Library

4 Transformation of Scholarly Communication
Online dissemination Open Access Disciplinary Repositories Institutional Repositories New forms of scholarship Economic pressures

5 DPubS Family Tree



8 Functionality Developed for Euclid
Full-text format neutral Full-text indexing Flexible access control options for publishers Open Access Society members E-Commerce (pay-per-view) OAI 2.0 compliance Usage statistics for subscribers/publishers Subscription Reference linking DOI registration Referral Service

9 Evolution of DPubS Software
Origins in Cornell Computer Science department, mid-90s NCSTRL—Networked Computer Science Technical Report Library ( ) Project Euclid development, DPubS development project,

10 DPubS development Generalize and enhance the Euclid software and release as Open Source Funding period: Development agenda: Generalize the system Improve administrative interfaces Add editorial management tools Facilitate interoperability with institutional repositories, such as Fedora and DSpace

11 Interoperate with institutional repository systems
Identified IRs: DSpace, Fedora DPubS becomes an application layer on top of IR DPubS Repository Service functions as an API to Institutional Repository

12 Generalization of system
Redesigned User Interface Service Move UI customization out of core code UI now is now xml/xslt driven Employ a more abstract, and configurable, definition of… Object types (document structures) Metadata types Allow for “collections”: Grouping mechanism; may contain publications or other collections

13 Technical requirements
Perl, mod_perl, apache, other common OS tools Hardware: Sun and Intel boxes OS: Sun Solaris (9, 10), Linux

14 Editorial management services
Support manuscript management and peer review activities Manuscript submission Reviewing Document tracking Organization of publications Publishing content (“making public”)

15 DPubs Features Focused distribution & controlled access
Subscription control Support for multiple pricing models Reference linking capabilities Forward and backward linking DOI registration at Cross Ref Distinctive presentation styles and branding Support for enhanced resource discovery Publication can be limited to defined audiences such as subscribers, org. members, conference attendees. Subscription- can set terms and duration of access Backward linking useful for article corrections Resource discovery; working with Google to establish common protocols to improve retrieval

16 DPubS in the Months Ahead
Work with development partners (Dec. ’05-Apr. ’06) Launch code as Open Source (Apr- Dec ’06) Recruit DPubS users (Nov. ’05-Dec. ’06) Hold DPubS Users Meeting (June-Sept. ’06)

17 DPubS Development Partners
Australian National University Universität Bielefeld University of Kansas University of Utah

18 DPubS Corporate Sponsor
Sun Microsystems Sun’s Education Commons Open Source Community

19 Who Will Use DPubS? University Presses

20 Who Will Use DPubS? Societies

21 Who Will Use DPubS? Libraries

22 Who Will Use DPubS? Institutional Repositories

23 Who will use DPubS? Libraries as Service Providers

24 How Will DPubS Be Used? Journal Publication

25 How Will DPubS Be Used? Online Books

26 How Will DPubS Be Used? Grey Literature

27 How Will DPubS Be Used? Conference Proceedings


29 DPubS
Center for Innovative Publishing

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