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Delia MemoriaL School(HIP WO) Our perfect parachute

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Presentation on theme: "Delia MemoriaL School(HIP WO) Our perfect parachute"— Presentation transcript:

1 Delia MemoriaL School(HIP WO) Our perfect parachute
GROUP 5 Yvan Sohrab Aires Mae lily

2 Content of Powerpoint Explanation of history and background of parachutes Experiment details & reflection Findings of investigation/experiment Our own Perfect Parachute Overall assessment of teamwork and faced difficulties

3 Explanation of history and background of parachutes

4 History of parachutes The oldest parachute design was discovered back in 1470s during Renaissance Italy which features a man clutching a cross bar frame attached to a conical canopy. In a short period of time, Leonardo Da Vinci was able to make a parachute much more preferable as it was said to be made in a more favorable proportion to the weight of the jumper Then an inventor by the name of Fausto Veranzio modified da Vinci’s parachute in a way where he kept all of the characteristics of da Vinci’s parachute but only changed the canopy with a sail-like piece of cloth which decelerated the fall of his created parachute.

5 1470’s Parachute design

6 Leonardo Da Vinci’s parachute Design

7 Fausto Veranzio’s Parachute Design

8 Background of Parachutes
The performance of a parachute is affected by different variable which could affect its declaration speed, those variables could be : Shape of parachute Material of parachute Length of strings Layers of parachute Position of strings attachment points However, there could be more variables which could affect a parachutes performance.

9 Experiment details & reflection

10 Experiments Objective of experiments? To determine how a changed variable will affect the decelaration time of the parachutes. Number of experiments completed? 3 experiments were completed.

11 Experiment 1 Variable to be changed
The shape of parachute (square & rectangle) Variable to be kept constant Material of parachute Length of strings Layers of parachute Position of strings attachment points What to compare Time taken for the parachute to reach the ground The parachute was dropped from 5th floor and the time taken for it to land was recorded 3 times and we drew an average after a few drops. Parachutes Used: Parachute with a square (30x30cm) & rectangle (30x20cm) plastic was used with identical variables

12 Experiment 1 Conclusion & Result
Experiment 1: Shape of Parachute: Square & Rectangle RESULT Square= ( )/3 = 4.06s Rectangle= ( )/3 = 3.83s CONCLUSION We’ve come to a conclusion that the rectangle shaped parachute was better as compared with the square shaped parachute. However, experimental errors could’ve affected the results such as the sudden change in the wind and touching the walls while decelerating towards the floor. But as seen in the results, the rectangle shaped parachute has a lower falling speed thus making it better than the square shaped parachute.

13 Experiment 2 Variable to be changed Length of strings (30cm & 20cm)
Variable to be kept constant Material of parachute Shape of parachute Layers of parachute Position of strings attachment points What to compare Time taken for the parachute to reach the ground parachute was dropped from 5th floor and the time taken for it to land was recorded 3 times and we drew an average after a few drops. Parachute used: Two almost identical parachutes with different length of strings (30cm)(20cm)

14 Experiment 2 conclusion & RESULT
Experiment 2: Length of Strings: 30cm & 20cm RESULT Longer Strings: ( )/3 = 4.25s Shorter Strings: ( )/3 = 4.09s CONLUSION We’ve come to a conclusion that the parachute with longer string was better as compared with the parachute with longer string. However, experimental errors could’ve affected the results such as the sudden change in the wind and touching the walls while decelerating towards the floor. But as seen in the results, the parachute with shorter string has a lower falling speed thus making it better than the parachute with longer string

15 Experiment 3 Variable to be changed
Position of string attachment points(Corner & cross) Variable to be kept constant Material of parachute Length of strings Layers of parachute Shape Of parachute What to compare Time taken for the parachute to reach the ground We got the cross attachment place from 1470’s 1st parachute design and the corner attachment place from Fausto Veranzio’s design The attachment point of the strings were changed but the other variables were kept constant The parachute was dropped from 5th floor and the time taken for it to land was recorded 3 times and we drew an average after a few drops. Parachutes Used: Two identical parachutes with strings attached in different areas or points

16 Experiment 3 conclusion & Result
Experiment 3: Attachment of Strings: Cross & Corners RESULT Cross: ( )/3 : 3.80s Corner:( )/3 : 3.91s CONCLUSION We’ve come to a conclusion that the parachute with corner string was better as compared with the parachute with cross string. However, experimental errors could’ve affected the results such as the sudden change in the wind and touching the walls while decelerating towards the floor. But as seen in the results, the parachute with shorter string has a lower falling speed thus making it better than the cross parachute.

17 Findings of investigation/experiments

18 What did the experiments tell you?
The experiments proved 3 important things Longer strings provide longer deceleration Strings attached in a corner manner provides longer deceleration A parachute shaped in rectangle provides a slower deceleration rate than a big square shaped parachute The experiment also provided us information how to build our own group’s own perfect parachute.

19 Our own Perfect parachute
Rectangle shape Long strings (30 cm) Corner attachment

20 Overall assessment of teamwork and faced difficulties

21 Overall Teamwork The EMI part of the group was able to engage with each other without a problem but when it comes to the CMI, the EMI faced some difficulties in assigning some task as they have a hard time talking due to the language barrier between the two. However, the EMI had some help from the others to communicate and the CMI was able to help in making the parachutes and taking the decelaration time of the par.achutes

22 Other priorities or schedule
Faced difficulties Language Barrier Other priorities or schedule E.g Buddy program and parent’s permission for staying late at school for the experiment

23 Achievements/improvements
Making efficiency in doing our experiments: (Improvement) (experiment)

24 This is the end of our presentation

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