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School council updates

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1 School council updates

2 On Thursday 25th January, the school council met with Ms Khwaja to ask her the questions raised by our class questionnaires. She answered all of our questions are we are here to feedback some of the changes you will see around school.

3 1. Can school dinners sit with packed lunches?
As explained during singing assembly, Ms Khwaja has agreed to a trial for one day a week. Next half term, children who are school dinners and packed lunches will be allowed to sit together during Friday lunchtimes. Please remember to be sensible! If this trial works well it could become permanent for Friday lunches.

4 2. Can we have more themed food days?
Ms Khwaja is going to talk to Enfield catering to see if we could have more themed food days. If this is possible we will ask classes what food they would like to try. There may be some food that you tasted at International evening that you would like to try again!

5 3. Can the taps in classrooms be colder?
Ms Khwaja has agreed to check with our site team whether the temperature of the classroom taps can be changed. Remember, you can always freeze a bottle of water overnight and bring it into class. This will mean you can have cold water all day.

6 4. Can we have more shade in the playground?
On Monday 5th of February, school council representatives from years 5 and 6 will be attending a meeting to discuss our outdoor space. We asked each class what they would like and shade was a common answer. Remember that in summer we have our umbrellas in the quiet area for KS2.

7 5. Can we have more hi-vis jackets for trips?
Miss Khwaja is going to look at ordering hi-vis jackets as we know some of them are too small for our KS2 children.

8 6. Can we have more clubs? At Garfield there are now over 30 clubs run each half term. We have recently introduced Kidfit clubs, however some classes were unable to start on time because of small numbers of children signing up. Please remember to sign up in time next half term! The school council will be asking their classes what other clubs you would like at Garfield.

9 7. Can we have floodlights for the cage?
We are going to ask Enfield council if it would be possible for us to have outdoor lighting. This may difficult as we have bats living in our buildings and they are a protected species. We also need to think about how the lights might affect our neighbours.

10 8. Can teachers swap classes for lessons?
Miss Evans and Ms Khwaja are going to talk to the teachers about the possibility of swapping classes for certain lessons. We know that swapping teachers for reading during World Book Week and during last years maths day was very popular. Also children have enjoyed being taught by different adults for Garfield college.

11 9. Can we have new pegs? Each classroom has enough pegs for the children in that room. Some children are worried that there is not enough space for their bags. Remember, you should have a Garfield book bag and PE bag. If everyone uses these, we should be able to fit all our items on the pegs. If you need a new bag you can order them through the school website or the office.

12 10. Can we have new wet play equipment?
Each class has a box of wet play toys from the Helping Hands. We are very lucky to have these toys and must look after them carefully. We will be asking pupils to decide what toys or board games they would like and then we will ask our Helping Hands if they could help us to raise money for this.

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