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“My Lai Massacre” (1) Why is this an “American Atrocity?”

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Presentation on theme: "“My Lai Massacre” (1) Why is this an “American Atrocity?”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “My Lai Massacre” (1) Why is this an “American Atrocity?”

2 Willing to Sacrifice the “Great Society”
Civil Rights Act of 1964 Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 Volunteers in Service to America (1965) Social Security Act of 1965 Medicare Medicaid Higher Education Act of 1965 Voting Rights Act of 1965


4 1968 Presidential Election

5 1968 Presidential Election
Nixon Humphrey Wallace

6 Battle of “Hamburger Hill”
Battle May 10-20, 1969 against “PAVN.” Heavy losses, little strategic value, and quickly abandoned

7 Anti-War Protests Protests erupted on college campuses and in major cities. More than 700 colleges experienced protest activity

8 Major topics to consider in Untold History of the United States – End of the Vietnam War …
[1] According to John Quincy Adams (our 6th President), a nations should not go “… abroad, in search of monsters to destroy.” [2] Kissinger: said to bomb “… anything that flies on anything that moves.” [3] Does international law apply to the U.S.? – Nixon: said “When the president does it, that means it’s not illegal …

9 Domino Theory was not proven …

10 Substance Abuse During Vietnam
Marijuana and Heroin problems amongst soldiers

11 Expansion to Laos & Cambodia
In an attempt to rout Communist sanctuaries and supply routes, President Nixon expands the war into neighboring Laos and Cambodia, violating the international rights of these countries in secret campaigns.

12 Anti-War Protests – Nov., 1969

13 Kent State Jackson State
"They are killing our babies in Vietnam and in our own backyard." At Kent State in Ohio, four students were killed by National Guardsmen.

14 The Paris Peace Agreement
On January 23, 1973, therefore, the final draft was initialed, ending open hostilities between the United States and North Vietnam. Saigon continued to battle Communist forces. Textbook: Comparison of peace agreements – 1968 proposal (pages 746 & 747) versus – 1973 (page 750). Henry Kissinger & Le Duc Tho


16 The Fall of Saigon From March 1973 until the fall of Saigon on April 30, 1975, the South Vietnamese army tried to prevent political collapse. On the morning of April 30, 1975, Saigon falls.

17 Suffering of Vietnam

18 Major topics to consider in Untold History of the United States – End of the Vietnam War …
[1] According to John Quincy Adams (our 6th President), a nations should not go “… abroad, in search of monsters to destroy.” [2] Kissinger: said to bomb “… anything that flies on anything that moves.” [3] Does international law apply to the U.S.? – Nixon: said “When the president does it, that means it’s not illegal …

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