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Quiz 3 review | September 23, 2015

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1 Quiz 3 review | September 23, 2015

2 Quiz 3 Review Autoimmune diseases Immunodeficiencies Transfusion

3 Quiz 3 Review Autoimmune diseases

4 Lupus Things You Must Know
Typical patient: young woman with butterfly rash Symptoms unpredictable (relapsing/remitting) Multisystem (skin, kidneys, joints, heart) Antinuclear antibodies

5 Lupus: butterfly rash

6 Rheumatoid Arthritis Things You Must Know
Symmetric, mostly small-joint arthritis Systemic symptoms (skin, heart, vessels, lungs) Rheumatoid factor Cytokines (especially TNF) cause damage

7 Rheumatoid arthritis joint deformities

8 Sjögren Syndrome Things You Must Know
Inflammatory disease of salivary and lacrimal glands Dry eyes, dry mouth T cells react against some Ag in gland; gland gets destroyed Increased risk of lymphoma

9 Sjögren syndrome: salivary gland enlargement

10 Scleroderma (Systemic Sclerosis)
Things You Must Know Excessive fibrosis throughout body: skin, viscera Claw hands, mask-like face Microvascular disease also present Diffuse and limited types

11 Systemic sclerosis: claw hands

12 Quiz 3 Review Autoimmune diseases Immunodeficiencies

13 Immune Diseases Outline
Transmission Defect Clinical stuff XLA X-linked No mature B cells; no Ig Infant with recurrent bacterial infections CVID non x-linked Defective Ab production Infections, AI diseases, lymphoma IgA deficiency ↓ IgA Most common. Asx. Hyper-IgM ↓ IgG, A, E T cell defect Bacterial and fungal infections DiGeorge No thymus Viral, fungal infections SCID half are x-linked Many B and T cell defects Bacterial and other infections

14 Quiz 3 Review Autoimmune diseases Immunodeficiencies Transfusion

15 Genotype Antigens Blood type AA A AO BB B BO AB A and B OO None O

16 Genotype Antigens Blood type DD D Rh + Dd dd none Rh -

17 What are the products? Whole blood Red cells Platelets Granulocytes
Cryoprecipitate Fresh frozen plasma

18 Forward typing is done using both anti-A and anti-B antibodies!
FORWARD TYPE anti-A antibodies AHG patient red cells (type A) Forward typing is done using both anti-A and anti-B antibodies!

19 Reverse typing is done using both type A and type B reagent cells!
REVERSE TYPE reagent red cells (type B) AHG patient serum (with anti-B Ab) Reverse typing is done using both type A and type B reagent cells!

20 CROSSMATCH donor red cells AHG patient serum

21 What can go wrong? Transfusion reactions hemolytic non-hemolytic
Other complications infections iron overload

22 Quiz 3 Review Autoimmune diseases Immunodeficiencies Transfusion

23 Histocompatibility Histocompatible: antigenically similar to the host
Histoincompatible: antigenically different from the host MHC antigens are the most important ABO antigens are also important Minor histocompatibility antigens are less important


25 HLA genes are inherited as sets!
parents a/b c/d four possible haplotype combinations of children a/c a/d b/c b/d

26 HLA genes are polymorphic!
1 7 w 2 8 w 11 35 w 3 44 w A B C DR DQ DP haplotypes a b c d HLA alleles

27 time after transplant, months
number of mismatches Class I Class II 100 1 or 2 3 or 4 graft survival, % 50 3 6 12 time after transplant, months

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