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Process in which 1 cell divide into 2 identical cells

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1 Process in which 1 cell divide into 2 identical cells
Cell Cycle Process in which 1 cell divide into 2 identical cells

2 MITOSIS Definition: The process by which the nucleus of a cell divides into 2 identical cells.

3 More Vocabulary… Nuclear Envelope- The membrane surrounding the nucleus. Spindle Fibers (Mitotic Spindle) Proteins that act as ropes to pull the chromosomes around the cell

4 Spindle Fibers

5 INTERPHASE Cell is too big and ready to divide
DNA replication occurs (doubling of DNA) Chromosomes not visible because it is extended and uncoiled Spindle fibers are not formed Nuclear envelope still intact This happens before Mitosis

6 PROPHASE Mitosis begins
DNA coils into short fat rods (Chromosomes become visible) Spindle fibers form on opposite sides of the cell. Nuclear membrane begins to dissolve

7 METAPHASE Chromosomes line up at the equator (middle = meta)
Spindle fibers attach to the chromosomes Nuclear envelope is completely dissolved

8 ANAPHASE Each chromosomes separates and is pulled to the ends of the cell by the spindle fibers

9 TELOPHASE The cell pinches in the middle.
Two new nuclear envelopes begins to form around the chromosomes Chromosomes begin to uncoil

10 Cytokinesis Cyto- = cell -kinesis = movement
Division of a cell into two identical cells that are ready for DNA replication. This happens after mitosis Plant – cell plate, Animals – cleavage furrow are formed

11 Cell Cycle v. Cell division
Interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase (IPMAT) = Cell cycle. Prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase (PMAT)= Mitosis otherwise known as cell division of body cells (non-sex cells).






17 Apical Root – Onion (400x)


19 The cell above the pointer is in early metaphase
The cell above the pointer is in early metaphase. The cell below the pointer is in anaphase.

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