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Multiscale Data Assimilation

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Presentation on theme: "Multiscale Data Assimilation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Multiscale Data Assimilation
Multiscale Dimensionality Reduction for Rainfall Fields Eulerian vs. Lagrangian Perspectives

2 Some Difficulties in Rainfall Assimilation
truth truth model model precipitation y x time Rainfall Errors at a Point: Non-Gaussian, Non-smooth (Atomic Probability Mass) Non-stationary Mis-located rainfall cells/clusters; (2) Mis-timed events; (3) Missing/excessive cells/events. Chatdarong’s Approach from a Lagrangian Perspective Position Errors (shift detection by MRA) Scale (Intensity) Errors Timing Errors

3 Eulerian and Lagrangian Representations
Eulerian Perspective Lagrangian Perspective Rasterization – Easy! c1 c4 c3 y c2 Storm cell/cluster identification/ tracking (Quantization) – Difficult! cluster1 x Clusters/cells, and their locations, shapes, sizes, intensities, life cycles, ... Low-dimensional, compact Less complicated errors Explicit multiscale structures No observation data in this format so far Sequence of raster images (time series of points) High-dimensional, sparse Complicated errors Implicit multiscale structures Most data available in this framework

4 Assimilation on an Implicit Multiscale Structure
Implicit Multiscale Structure (from Chatdarong’s Thesis)

5 Assimilation on an Explicit Multiscale Structure
Large Scale Features Storm Cells Radar Resolution

6 Available Storm Identification and Tracking Techniques
NOAA: Storm Cell Identification and Tracking algorithm (SCIT) UCAR: Thunderstorm Identification Tracking Analysis and Nowcasting (TITAN)

7 RCR Model Developed at MIT

8 Storm Cell/Cluster Identification/Tracking

9 Storm Cell/Cluster Identification/Tracking

10 Storm Cell/Cluster Indentification/Tracking

11 Storm Cell/Cluster Indentification/Tracking

12 In Progress Low dimensional representation and restoration.
Unsupervised algorithms. Construction of likelihood function (error measure) for data assimilation.

13 End Thank You!

14 Backups from here on

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