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3 Views as to the origin of man
Fiat creation Naturalistic (atheistic) Theistic evolution Progressive creation Recent – Eden theory

4 Evidence of revelation for Fiat Creation
Bible only source, only God was there. 17 times in Genesis 1 God is said to be creator New Testament evidence for creation Hebrews 11:3 John 1:3 Colossians 1:16, 17

5 Interpretation of Genesis 1 and 2
1. Gap view or reconstitution theory Explanation: V. 1 Perfect world-original creation Between v. 1 and v. 2 indefinite period of time – geological age Satan fell God begins to reform the earth to make it inhabitable

6 Genesis 1 and 2 continued:
Defense Fits with Jeremiah 4:23-26 and Isaiah 45:18 Accounts for fall of Satan and geological ages Objections “Earth became” in some translations is “earth was” in Hebrew “Waste” & “void” does not imply state of judgment/means unformed and uninhabited. Genesis 1:31, nothing evil at that point, Satan could not have fallen yet.

7 Genesis 1 and 2 continued:
2. Re-creation theory Explanation: Gen 1:1, 2 – not original creation but is a later refashioning Gen 1 – deals with God’s creative activity as it concerns man Man is a comparative late comer in God’s creative program

8 Genesis 1 and 2 continued:
Defense: Genesis 1:1 original creation; Genesis 1:2 has to be refashioning do to judgment. Cannot place a gap between v. 1 and v. 2 according to Hebrew text. Therefore v. 2 is a later fashioning. Hebrew word “to create” “barah” - Divine activity to shape or form (Gen 1:27). “Bershith” means “in the beginning.”

9 Genesis 1 and 2 continued:
Objections: Neither form of verb nor context demand this to be a construct If construct then doctrine of original creation is not taught in Gen. 1:1. Therefore the central passage on creation does not speak of fiat creation.

10 Genesis 1 and 2 continued:
The original creation view Explanation: V. 1 is a broad comprehensive statement of the fact of creation. V. 2 describes the earth as it came from God - without form and shapeless. V. 3 is the first recorded step in the process of fashioning.

11 Genesis 1 and 2 continued:
The original creation view Defense: Maintains the unity of Gen 1:1& 2.V. It best fits with the grammar of the Hebrew text. Best interprets Hebrew word “Barah”.

12 Genesis 1 and 2 continued:
The Interpretation of “days” Literal 24 hour days Day/Age theory “Days” is a literary device found in Hebrew poetry.

13 The material part of man

14 It’s Creation and Structure
Genesis 2:7 – special act of God created from dust Created in God’s image

15 It’s Descriptions Unredeemed (Romans 8:23)
Earthen vessels (2 Corinthians 4:7) Can become the residence of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19, 20) Must be kept under control (1 Corinthians 9:27)

16 Its Future The first resurrection unto life (Revelation 20)
The second resurrection unto death (Revelation 20:11-15)

17 The immaterial part of man

18 The Original Form of Man
Image – a replica Likeness – similar Even fallen man still has some semblance of the original creation. The image of God in man is so marred that only the intervention of God can overcome the damage.

19 The Perpetuation of the Immaterial Part of Man (theories):
Pre-existence theory: God created all the souls when He created heaven and earth. Creationism: When a child is conceived God creates a soul for that child.

20 The Perpetuation of the Immaterial Part of Man (theories): (cont’d)
Traducianism (to draw from): The soul is passed on through the parents. Hebrews 7:10 – Levi pays tithes to Melchizedek. Genesis 5:3 – Adam passed on to his son his own immaterial nature as well as material nature. Best explains the imputations of Adam’s sin.

21 The Composition of Man Dichotomous nature of man Soul Spirit
Man can be divided into two essential parts: Material and Immaterial. Soul Whole immaterial part of man (1 Peter 2:11) The whole man (1 Thessalonians 5:23) Spirit The whole immaterial part of man (1 Corinthians 5:5)

22 The Composition of Man (cont’d)
Heart – the seat of man’s Intellectual life (Matthew 15:19-20) Emotional life (Psalm 37:4; Romans 9:2) Volitional life (Exodus 7:23, Hebrews 4:7) Spiritual life (Romans 10:9-10; Ephesians 3:17)

23 The Composition of Man (cont’d)
Conscience Can be a guide (Romans 2:15) Can be sincerely wrong due to Weakness (1 Cor 8:7, 12) Searing (1 Tim 4:2 Defilement (Titus 4:15)

24 The Composition of Man (cont’d)
Mind Unsaved man’s mind: Romans 1:28 – reprobate (depraved) Ephesians 4:17 – empty (futility) Titus 1:15 – defiled, polluted, contaminate 2 Corinthians 4:4 – blinded Ephesians 4:18 – darkened 1 Corinthians 2:14 – does not have the ability to discern spiritual things

25 The Composition of Man (cont’d)
Saved man’s mind: Use of it – To understand the Word of God (Luke 24:25; 1 Corinthians 2:15, 16) In loving Him (Matthew 22:37) In understanding His will (Ephesians 5:17)

26 The Composition of Man (cont’d)
Saved man’s mind: (cont’d) Prerequisites for using our minds – 1 Peter 1:13 – girded up 2 Corinthians 10:5 – every thought is to be brought into captivity Renewal (Rom 12:2)

27 The Composition of Man (cont’d)
Flesh Romans 7:18 fallen, unredeemed humanness


29 The Fall of Man – Genesis 3
Views Conservative: both truth and fact in this account Neo-orthodox and some evangelicals: truth but not fact Liberal: no truth, no fact

30 The Fall of Man The Place of the Perfection The Responsibility of Man
Nature of Man: (Untested creature holiness) Satan (serpent)

31 The Fall of Man The Process of the Temptation: 4 Steps
Eve doubts the goodness of God (Gen 3:1) Satan outright denies the truth of the Word of God (Gen 3:4) Eve begins to rationalize the wrong she is about to do (Gen 3:6) They choose to sin (Gen 3:7)

32 The Fall of Man Result of the Fall Knowledge of sin (3:7)
Separation from God (3:8-13) Serpent was condemned to crawl (3:14) Satan was set at war (3:15)

33 The Fall of Man Women – increased pain in childbirth and submission to their husbands (Gen 3:16) Men assigned to unpleasant labor (Gen 3:17-19) Broken fellowship with God (spiritual death) (Rom 5:12-21)


35 Personal Sin Origin of Sin In relation to God In relation to angels
In relation to man

36 Personal Sin Definition of Sin “Sin is any want of conformity to the character of God, whether it be an act, disposition, or state.” Chafer

37 Personal Sin The Remedy for Personal Sin Forgiveness (Eph 1:7)
Justification (Rom 5:1)

38 The sin nature

39 Meaning Capacity to do that which is contrary to God (Eph 2:3)
Man is totally depraved

40 The following HAS become corrupt:
Intellect (Rom 1:28) Will (Rom 1:28) Conscience (1 Tim 4:2) Heart (Eph 4:18) Total being (Rom 1:18-3:20)

41 Remedy of the sin nature
Redemption Gift of the Holy Spirit (Rom 6)

42 Imputed sin

43 Imputed Sin Meaning: to put on someone’s account.
Fact: we all sinned in Adam (Rom 5:12) Penalty: we have a sin nature and we die (Rom 5:12-14)

44 Remedy: Imputed righteousness Romans 5:17
Sin of Adam (Rom 5:12-14) Sin of man (2 Cor 5:21) Righteousness of God (2 Cor 5:21)

45 The Christian's sin

46 INTRODUCTION God’s standard is perfection. But complete holiness is unattainable in this life (1 John 1:7-10) The enemies of the Christian The world (1 John 2:15-17) The devil (Eph 6:10-18) The flesh (Gal 5:16-21)

47 Preventives of Sin in the Christian Life
The Word (Psalm 119:11) Intercession of Christ (John 17:15; Heb 7:25) Work of the Holy Spirit

48 Work of the Holy Spirit (cont’d)
Intercessor in prayer life (Rom 8:26-27) Helper (John 14:26; 15:26)

49 Penalties connected with the believer’s sin
Grieves the Holy Spirit (Eph 4:30) Loss of joy/peace (Gal 5:22) A stumbling block (1 John 2:10) Loss of confidence in prayer (1 John 3:19-22)

50 Penalties connected with the believer’s sin
Sense of shame at the Lord’s coming (1 John 2:28) Loss of fellowship with God and fellow believers (1 John 1:6-7) Chastisement (Heb 12:6) Church discipline (1 Cor 5:4-5) May receive physical death (1 Cor 11:30)

51 Forgiveness of the Christians sin
Confession (1 John 1:9)

52 The Total Depravity of Mankind (Doctrinal Statement)
We believe mankind was created in the image and likeness of God; in Adam's sin the race fell, inherited a sinful nature, and became alienated from God. Humanity is totally depraved and unable to remedy its lost condition. People in their lost condition are unable to do anything that pleases God. (Genesis 1:26,27; Romans 3:22,23 and 5:12; Ephesians 2:1-3; Romans 3:10-18 and 8:8)

53 Created and updated 12/2015


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