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Chapter 2 The Fertile Crescent

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1 Chapter 2 The Fertile Crescent
Section 2 Babylonia and Assyria

2 I. Babylonia Created under the leadership of Hammurabi
United the city-states of Sumer Conquered land on Asia Minor (Turkey) (p.39) Vicious warriors on quest for wealth Built great cities-culture and learning were valued Location made it a center of trade and empire rich Empire gained more wealth through conquest

3 BC-Conquered Mari 1750 BC-empire was at greatest size and wealth BC empire had shrunk and was destroyed 10. Rose to power again in 612 BC but fell again in 539 BC a. King Nebuchadnezzar II rebuilt city of Babylon b. advances made in knowledge(astronomy, calendar, raised honey bees) c. Empire fell to Persians led by Cyrus the Great


5 II. Assyria 1. Located North of Babylonia 2. Began to expand in 1365 BC and by 650 BC, it was a large empire 3. Empire stretched from the Nile River to the Persian Gulf 4. Warriors conquered in quest of great riches 5 Invented the battering ram

6 6. Capital of Ninevah became a learning and culture center (library) 7
6. Capital of Ninevah became a learning and culture center (library) 7. Conquered peoples revolted against Assyrian rule BC Assyrians were defeated by the Medes and Chaldeans


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