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On Line Viewing Tip #1: While viewing this presentation in your browser, select Browse, Full Screen. Then, when you want to pause the show, Right Click.

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Presentation on theme: "On Line Viewing Tip #1: While viewing this presentation in your browser, select Browse, Full Screen. Then, when you want to pause the show, Right Click."— Presentation transcript:

1 On Line Viewing Tip #1: While viewing this presentation in your browser, select Browse, Full Screen. Then, when you want to pause the show, Right Click any where on the screen and select Screen / Pause. Click to Start Click For tip #2

2 On Line Viewing Tip #2: If you desire, you can also download each presentation for off line viewing in PowerPoint and / or printing. Simply right click on the lecture link and select “Save Target As ...” from the resulting Menu. Click to Start Click For tip #1

3 Class #12 Sharing your Applications, or data stored in your database with others using Microsoft Access.

4 Let’s review a very basic premise regarding Microsoft Access that we discussed in the first class.

5 Microsoft Access is a database.
This means that it is a program that will store lists of information. These lists are called “Tables”.

6 icrosoft Access is a toolbox that will assist the user
in creating a system that will automatically manage the information stored in the tables. his means that Access is not only a database, but a “Database Management System”.

7 What is MicroSoft Access?
Access is a very powerful “Tool Box” that will allow you to not only “Collect” data, “Store” data, “Manipulate” data, and “Report” data, but it will also allow you as a “Non-Programmer” to create actual applications (programs) for others to use. These applications in most cases can be put together quite quickly and made to look very professional.

8 Because we can create applications with Microsoft Access, we might ask, “What if the individual or individuals who will be using our application or database do not have Microsoft Access installed on their computer?”

9 There are several solutions to this problem
There are several solutions to this problem. Two of which we will discuss in this class.

10 The first solution (which is not in your books) that we will discuss is creating what is referred to as a “Run Time” Application. Not in your book

11 The second solution that we will discuss in a few moments, is creating html documents for the Internet or Intranet with Microsoft Access. SESSION 7.1

12 The first solution requires the Microsoft Office Developer’s Version

13 Microsoft Office Developer is the edition of Office designed specifically for developers building and deploying these solutions. Office Developer includes Microsoft Office Premium as well as professional productivity tools, documentation and sample code for quickly building solutions with Microsoft Office including “Run Time” versions of your Microsoft Access Database.

14 Microsoft Office Developer allows you to simplify deploying and managing Office solutions with tools for creating professional set up (install) routines. In addition, Office Developer includes the royalty-free Access Run Time for distributing Access solutions.

15 Once your database is complete, to create your “Run Time” application, or install program for your database, you need to start at the database window.

16 From the database window, press the ALT and F11 keystroke combination to activate the Visual Basic Editor.

17 Don’t worry, we are not going to be doing any Visual Basic coding here, just using a wizard.

18 From the the Visual Basic Editor window, select Add-Ins from the menu bar, then Package and Deployment Wizard.

19 The Package and Deployment Wizard will only be available if you have the Office Developer Edition installed.

20 To create an installation disk for either a Runtime version or just your database click on the Package button.

21 Choose Standard Setup Package here!

22 Choose the folder where you want to assemble your package
Choose the folder where you want to assemble your package. It is usually best to assemble the package on your hard drive first, then copy it to a CD when your are finished.

23 You will then be asked if you want to create the Package folder in the directory you just selected.

24 The wizard will show you the files that it will put in the installation routine for you. You can add files here as well, by clicking on the Add button on the right.

25 If you wish to create a “Runtime” version of your database instead of just an installation program, click the Include Access Runtime check box below.

26 Choose the title that you want for your blue splash screen here.

27 You can also enter the name of an optional executable file that should be launched when installation is complete.

28 This screen allows you to specify the Start menu groups and group items that should be created on the user's computer during installation of your solution.

29 You can create groups and items for your solution in one of two locations: on the main level of the Start menu, or within the Programs subdirectory of the Start menu.

30 In addition to creating new Start menu groups and items, you can edit the properties for an existing item, or you can remove groups and items.

31 This screen allows you to change the location to which your project files will be installed on the user's computer. You can choose from a series of macros that indicate installation locations on the user's machine.

32 Files List Displays the name and current location of each file in the package, and the location where you want the file to be installed. Select a file in the table, then select a macro from the Install Locations column to indicate where the file should be installed.

33 Determines which files to install as shared
Determines which files to install as shared. A shared file is one that can be used by other applications on the user's machine.

34 Such a file will not be removed when the user uninstalls your application if any other applications that use the file still exist on the computer.

35 The Package and Deployment Wizard has collected the information necessary to begin building your package.

36 When you click Finish, the Package and Deployment Wizard saves the settings you chose as a script.

37 Scripts serve three purposes:
A script allows you to package the project again later, using the same settings. A script provides a way of identifying a package for deployment purposes. When you begin the deployment portion of the wizard, the first step will ask you to select a package to deploy. Packages are referred to by the script name they were given in the packaging process. A script allows you to package your project in silent mode. When you run the wizard in silent mode, you must give the wizard the name of a script that it should use. For these reasons, you should give useful, descriptive names to your scripts.

38 We have now answered all the questions and are ready to start the Run Time Creation process. Just click on the Finish button to begin.




42 When the wizard has finished doing its thing, it will return you to the Visual Basic Window. From here, all that you need to do is to select File from the Menu Bar and then Close and Return to Microsoft Access to finish up.

43 Using Windows Explorer, you can copy all the files in the Package Folder created, to a CD and you are ready to go!

44 Now that you have created an install CD, you are ready to install your application on any Windows computer, even if the computer does not have Microsoft Access installed on it.

45 Insert your new CD into the CD drive on the computer that you wish to install your application on.

46 From the CD’s window in Windows Explorer or My Computer, double click on the setup.exe program to start the installation wizard.

47 The following screens will show you the installation process step by step.




51 If you do not check the “Include Access Runtime” during the deployment wizard, when you run the setup.exe program, only the database will be installed.

52 In this case, the user of your database will need Microsoft Access installed on their computer, in order to use the database.

53 Don’t have the Office Developer Edition
Don’t have the Office Developer Edition? Then let’s take a look at the second solution, creating html documents for the Internet or Intranet with Microsoft Access. SESSION 7.1

54 SESSION 7.1 This section covers the Access Publish to the Web Wizard to save Access objects in HTML format

55 The Major Steps of a MicroSoft Access Database
Tables Queries Forms Macros Reports Pages Modules Our Road Map We are here! © Copyright 2001 Innovative Systems Management

56 Using the World Wide Web and Hyperlink Fields
Creating Hypertext Documents

57 In this session we will also look at the Access 2002 Access Page Wizard to save Access objects in HTML format.

58 First, a few important words about the “Web”.

59 The World Wide Web (also called WWW or simply the Web) is a vase collection of linked documents that reside on computers around the world. These computers are linked together in a public worldwide network called the internet.

60 A computer that publishes documents on the Web must be running special server software. This Computer is called a Web server and it has an Internet address called a Uniform Resource Locator or URL.

61 If your computer has a telephone connection, such as a modem, and you have an account with an Internet service provider, you can connect your computer to any Web server and view the WWW documents published there.

62 You view the documents using a program called a Web browser
You view the documents using a program called a Web browser. Popular Web browsers, like Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator, are often bundled with other application software.

63 A World Wide Web document contains the necessary instructions for your browser to display text and graphics.

64 These instructions, called tags, describe how text is formatted, where graphic images are displayed, the background color, & other visual characteristics of the Web page.

65 Certain tags, called hyperlinks, link one Web document to another
Certain tags, called hyperlinks, link one Web document to another. When you click hyperlink text, the linked document is displayed.

66 Hyperlinks connect Web documents throughout the Internet and these connections form the World Wide Web.

67 You can create a World Wide Web page by typing the necessary instructions, using the HyperText Markup Language (HTML), into a word processing document and saving the document on a disk.

68 Some programs, such as Access, have built in tools to convert objects to HTML.

69 This is a Web Page as you would see it and the document that created it.
HTML Document displayed as a Web page HTML Document that creates the above Web Page

70 This HTML document contains the necessary information to create a Web page that displays one page of an Invoices report. The words enclosed in angle brackets (< >) are HTML tags. HTML Document that creates the above Web Page

71 The Web page shows how this document looks when you view it using a Web Browser. Notice the words First, Previous, Next, and Last at the bottom of the web page. These are hyperlinks to other Web pages of the Invoice Report.

72 Hyperlinks are usually displayed in a different color from other text on a Web page and are often underlined to indicate that they are hyperlinks.

73 Web pages that are created from an Access database can be either static or dynamic.
A static page reflects the state of the database when the page is created. Subsequent changes to the database records are not reflected in the Web page. When changes occur the page must be re-published.

74 A dynamic page is updated automatically each time the page is viewed and reflects the current state of the database at that time.

75 A dynamic page is usually created for use on an Intranet where you have a constant connection to the server that the database is stored on, rather than the Internet. In this session we will use only the static type of page.

76 To publish information in the Jobs database to the World Wide Web, you must convert Access objects to HTML format.

77 When you have created the HTML
documents, you can place them on the company’s Web server.

78 Once copied to the server they can be viewed on any computer on the network using a Web browser.

79 Of course, the staff at NSJI does not want its private database to be available worldwide, so your documents will be placed on a Web server dedicated to the company’s private network.

80 Private networks, called intranets, are common in companies, schools, and other organizations.

81 Data can be shared on an intranet in much the same way as on the Internet, but access is restricted to members of the organization.

82 Each version from Access 97 through 2002 is different.
Reference Window Exporting an Object to an HTML Document using Access 2002 In the Database window, right-click the object (table, query, form, or report) you want to export, and then left click Export on the shortcut menu. Enter the filename in the File name text box, and then select the location where you want to save the file. Click the Save as type list arrow, and then click HTML Documents. Click the Save formatted check box (if using a template), and then click the Export button. Select the template (if necessary), and then click the OK button.

83 In Access 2000 and 2002 you can use the export command on the file menu which will convert database objects to HTML documents automatically.

84 To export an object as an HTML document, we start at the database window.
Left click on the object that you wish to export in order to select it.

85 When the object has been selected, go to File on the Menu Bar and select Export… from the drop down menu.

86 Select where you would like to place the HTML File in the Save in: box at the top of the Export Table window. You can change the name of the HTML object that you are exporting by entering a new name in the File name field at the bottom of the window. Finally, make sure that your Save as type: field at the bottom says HTML Documents as shown below. Then simply click the Save button.

87 Once the HTML document has been saved, you can then activate your Web Tool Bar, by selecting View from the Menu Bar, Toolbars, and Web.

88 Your Web Tool Bar will then appear as shown above.
You can then type in the path to the html document on your local hard drive and press the enter key. Your default browser will open showing you your new html document in the browser window.


90 To view the html code that Access created, while in our browser with the page open, simply go to View on the menu bar and then select Source.

91 You will then be able to see all the html code behind our document that was created by the export process.

92 Creating a Data Access Page for an Access Table
A data access page is a dynamic HTML document that you can open with a Web browser to view or update current data in an Access Database.

93 Creating a Data Access Page for an Access Table
Unlike other database objects, such as forms and reports, which are stored in the Access database, data access pages are stored outside the database as separate HTML documents.

94 Creating a Data Access Page for an Access Table
You can create a data access page in Design view or by using a Wizard. To create a data access page in the exercise on page AC 7.08 you will use the Page Wizard.

95 Creating a Data Access Page for an Access Table
Unlike Access 97, Access 2000 and 2002 have added a new category to the array of objects. In the past we saw Tables Queries Forms Reports Macros & Modules

96 Creating a Data Access Page for an Access Table
Now we have a new category: Tables Queries Forms Access Pages Reports Macros & Modules

97 Creating a Data Access Page for an Access Table
Access Pages are now created very much like an Access Form or Report. You can create a custom Access Page or create one using the Access Page Wizard.

98 To Create a new data access page you can start by selecting the Pages tab in the objects list then click the New command button.

99 In the New Data Access Page select Page Wizard

100 Use the Pull Down arrow to the right of the Choose Table or Query box to select the table or query that you wish to base your new page on.

101 After the table or query has been selected, click on the OK button to continue.





106 If you have selected a query rather than a table to base your new page on the following screen appears.


108 Before you click the Finish button, you have the opportunity to apply a theme to your page.

109 After you have selected a theme or decide that you don’t want a theme right now, your are ready to click the Finish button.

110 If you selected to Modify the Page design before viewing it, the wizard will take you to the design view automatically.

111 To view the page we can click on the page view button on the toolbar.

112 Or Select View and Page View from the menu bar.

113 This would be a good time to save our new page.


115 The next step is something that we have not seen since we have been in Access.
This is the Save As dialog box.

116 This appears because access pages, unlike other Access objects are HTML documents and need to be stored outside of your database so as to provide access from other programs such as browsers.

117 Select where you want to save your new page.
Name the page. Make sure that you have selected Microsoft Data Access Pages in the Save as type box.

118 Finally, click on the Save button.

119 One final message will appear.

120 In this case, I have saved my new page as Page1.htm in My Documents.

121 You are now ready to view the Web Page.
A special note: Your book uses Microsoft’s Internet Explorer to view the Page, however, if the Internet Explorer is not available in this Lab, NetScape Navigator can be used in it’s place.

122 To start your web browser program, 1st click View on the menu bare from the Database Window of your Access Database. second, select Toolbars and then select Web. Access will display the Web Toolbar.

123 With the Web Toolbar displayed, type in the address to the Web Document that you wish to view.

124 After you have typed in the desired Web Address or have selected the HTML file on your disk, you can press the Enter key. Access with then open up your browser with the selected page.

125 A data access page can be viewed using any web browser software
A data access page can be viewed using any web browser software. However, if you want to update a data access page you must use Internet Explorer version 5 or greater or another browser that supports data access pages.

126 Let’s talk about sorting and filtering a data access page for a moment.
Notice the record navigation toolbar that appears when we are in page view.

127 The buttons on this toolbar work the same for data access pages as they do for forms.

128 Viewing & Updating in Access 2000 & 2002
Reference Window Viewing & Updating a Data Access Page Using a browser If necessary, click Pages in the Objects bar of the Database window. Right-click the data access page name, and then click Web Page Preview to start internet Explorer and open the Page If changing an existing record, navigate to the desired record, make changes to the record, and then click the Save record button on the Record Navigation toolbar.

129 Viewing & Updating in Access 2000 & 2002
Reference Window Viewing & Updating a Data Access Page Using a browser If adding a record, click the New Record button on the Record Navigation toolbar, enter the field values for the record, and then click the Save Record button on the Record Navigation toolbar.

130 Creating a Custom Data Access Page
A data access page, by default, is a dynamic HTML document.

131 When you open a data access page, you are viewing current data from the Access Database that produced the data access page.

132 Just as with forms and reports, you could use a wizard to create a basic data access page and then customize it in design view

133 or you could create the data access page from scratch in design view.

134 Creating a Custom Data Access Page in Design View
To begin this process, we click on the Pages button in the database window and then click new.

135 Select Design View from the New Data Access Page Dialog box.
Creating a Custom Data Access Page in Design View Select Design View from the New Data Access Page Dialog box.

136 Select a Table or Query to base the Page on and click the OK button.
Creating a Custom Data Access Page in Design View To begin this process, we click on the Pages button in the database window and then click new. Select a Table or Query to base the Page on and click the OK button.

137 A new, blank, data access page (in this case based on the Customer Table) appears in the design view.

138 Notice that the field list looks a little different.

139 This is because the data access page that we have just created will be stored outside of our database.

140 The Page window in Design view has many of the same components as the Form and Report windows in Design view.

141 For example, these windows include a Formatting toolbar,

142 a grid,

143 a Properties button, a Field List button, and a Toolbox button.

144 Unlike the Form and Report windows in Design view, the Page window initially contains just one section, named Unbound, until you place controls in it. A message that you can replace with a title for your data access page is inserted as well.

145 Let’s take a look at the field list for a moment
Let’s take a look at the field list for a moment. As you can see it is somewhat different.

146 If you have relationships established you will see an expand button to the left of the Related Tables folder.

147 Expanding this will show you a list of related tables.

148 We also see a list of fields in the Customer Table in a view that is similar to Windows Explorer.

149 Double clicking the EmployerName in the field list will add a bound control for the EmployerName field to the grid.

150 Notice that the section name has changed to Header: Employer Positions

151 Access also adds the Employer Positions Navigation section, which contains the Record Navigation toolbar.

152 Moving and re-sizing controls in a data access page is very similar to that of controls on forms and reports, with just a couple of exceptions.

153 Next, let’s take a look at the Caption Section of a Page.
A caption section on a data access page is used to display captions, or headings for columns of data.

154 To view the caption section of a data access page, right click on the Header section bar and select caption section.

155 To view the caption section of a data access page, right click on the Header section bar and select Caption.

156 A caption section on a data access page is used to display captions, or headings for columns of data.

157 Another difference in the Design View of a data access page is the ability to add a Theme! A theme is a predefined style for a data access page.

158 This is done by selecting Format from the menu bar and then Theme.

159 There is a wide variety of built-in Themes to select from.

160 You also have a Toolbox similar to the Forms and Reports Toolbox available.

161 My favorite tool here is the Scrolling Text tool.

162 SESSION 7.2 This section covers importing data from an HTML document into an Access Table and explores HyperLinks

163 Access can import data from an HTML document as a database table
Access can import data from an HTML document as a database table. Provided that the data is formatted as a table or as a list in the HTML document, Access can import it directly into a database table.

164 With the data that you imported in an Access table, you will be able to create queries, forms, and reports. It’s important to mention here that the following process also applies to importing of other data from from programs such as FoxPro, Dbase, Excel, Outlook, or a variety of Text File types.

165 First, start by selecting File from the Menu Bar.
Get External Data then Import

166 Next, select HTML Documents in the Files of Type Box at the bottom of the Import Screen.

167 Then select the Path and File name of the HTML document that contains the data to import.

168 Indicate whether or not the file that is being imported contains column headings.

169 If the column heading in the file being imported does not conform to the Access Field Naming rules, Access will give you a message telling you that some or all fields can not be named and will automatically name the problem fields Field1, Field2, etc.

170 Tell Access where to put the data after it is imported.

171 On this screen, you can select each field in the data being imported and specify a new field name, data type, whether or not it should be indexed, or tell Access to skip the import of this field all together.

172 Here you have three choices, Let Access add a primary key, choose your own, or import this data without a primary key.

173 And the final step is to name your new table.

174 Click File on the menu bar, point to Get
Importing an HTML document as an Access Table Reference Window Importing an HTML document as an Access Table Click File on the menu bar, point to Get External data, and then click Import. Click the Files of type list arrow, and then click HTML Documents. Use the Look in list box to select the HTML document to import. Click the Import button to open the first Import HTML Wizard dialog box.

175 Importing an HTML document as an Access Table
Reference Window Importing an HTML document as an Access Table Complete the Wizard dialog boxes to specify whether the first row of data should be used for column headings; to specify whether records should be imported to a new table or appended to an existing table; to specify the field names, data types, and indexing options for the fields; to specify a primary key; and to enter the table name. Click the OK button to confirm that the data has been imported.

176 Creating HyperLinks to Other Documents
Access allows you to create a hyperlink field in a table. The field value in a hyperlink field is a hyperlink to another object. These objects can be database objects (such as tables or forms, a Word document, a named range in an Excel worksheet, or even a World Wide Web page. When you click a hyperlink field value, the associated program starts and opens the linked object.

177 Creating HyperLinks to Other Documents

178 Creating HyperLinks to Other Documents
When the data is entered in the field in the datasheet view, it appears in blue and underlined to indicate that it is a hyperlink.

179 Creating HyperLinks to Other Documents
Clicking on the field will automatically activate your Windows Dialup, call your ISP, Login and go directly to that URL..

180 Display the table in Design view
Creating a HyperLink Field in a Table Reference Window Creating a HyperLink Field in a Table Display the table in Design view In a blank Field Name text box, type the name of the new field, and then press the Tab key. Click the Data type list arrow, and then click HyperLink.

181 In Datasheet view, click the hyperlink field
Entering a HyperLink Field Value in a Table Reference Window Entering a HyperLink Field Value in a Table In Datasheet view, click the hyperlink field for the appropriate record. Click the Insert Hyperlink button on the Table Datasheet toolbar. Select the fiel, URL, or object by clicking the appropriate button. Change the Text to display text box value, if necessary. Click the OK button.

182 Quick Check Review A special note for the on-line students:
The following Quick Check Review questions are only for your benefit. They are not required for the course but here to give you a chance to test your knowledge. Click the arrow button below to skip these questions and go directly to the class project for this class.

183 Quick Check Review Page AC 7.24

184 Quick Check Review Let’s take a few moments to break up
into discussion groups. Each group will discuss the quick check questions on page AC in your books. We will then review the answers at the end of the discussion.

185 Quick Check Review Session 7.1
1) What is the World Wide Web?

186 Quick Check Review Session 7.1
2) What is the purpose of a Web Browser?

187 Quick Check Review Session 7.1
3) What is a Hyperlink?

188 Quick Check Review Session 7.1
4) What is HTML?

189 Quick Check Review Session 7.1
5) What is an HTML template?

190 Quick Check Review Session 7.1
6) What is a static Web page?

191 Quick Check Review Session 7.1
7) What is a data access page?

192 Quick Check Review Session 7.1
8) A _____ string is a string, or text, expression that specifies the disk location and database name used to connect a data access page to an Access database.

193 Quick Check Review Session 7.1
9) What is a grouped data access page?

194 Quick Check Review Session 7.1
10) What is a theme?

195 Class Discussion Topic
ITEC2404 To be posted on our class discussion board. In your own words, give an example of how you might use a Data Access Page.

196 Your task today is to complete the exercises in Tutorial #7 Page AC 7
Your task today is to complete the exercises in Tutorial #7 Page AC through Page AC 7.24 The disk is Level 2 Jobs.mdb

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