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Ugh, Me have morals to think about!. Ugh, Me have morals to think about!

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Presentation on theme: "Ugh, Me have morals to think about!. Ugh, Me have morals to think about!"— Presentation transcript:


2 Ugh, Me have morals to think about!

3 In my Defense

4 Who said What?

5 Psycho Psychology

6 Stressessess

7 What’s My Motivation?

8 Ugh, Me have morals to think about Who said What? Psycho Psychology Stressessess What’s My Motivation? In My Defense $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 Round One should contain one “Daily Double” question. To insert the “Daily Double Screen”, follow these steps: 1. Select the desired button on this slide by clicking on it. Click on SLIDE SHOW  ACTION SETTINGS Make a note of which slide the HYPERLINK is currently set to. In the “Action Settings” dialogue box, change the HYPERLINK to “Daily Double Round 1”. Click OK 6. Now go to Slide “Daily Double Round 1” in this presentation, and follow the directions in the “Notes” section $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

9 1-100 According to Freud, this part of the brain focuses on fulfilling basic human instincts, such as pleasure $100

10 1-100A What is the Id? $100

11 1-200 Freud’s iceberg analogy illustrated his belief that this consumed most of the human brain $200

12 What is the subconscious?
What is the subconscious? $200

13 1-300 According to Freud, this portion of our psyche forces us to meet demands within the confines of reality. $300

14 1-300A What is the Ego? $300

15 1-400 Social norms and moral codes make up this portion of a person’s psyche. $400

16 1-400A What is the Superego? $400

17 1-500 This portion of a person’s psyche is in a struggle between instinctual behaviors and moral codes. $500

18 1-500A What is the Ego? $500

19 2-100 This type of mechanism causes people to use self-deception to justify unacceptable actions and ideas. $100

20 What is Rationalization?
What is Rationalization? $100

21 The refusal to accept the reality of anything that is bad.
2-200 The refusal to accept the reality of anything that is bad. $200

22 2-200A What is Denial? $200

23 2-300 Sometimes people deal with unacceptable ideas and impulses by projecting them on others, or this. $300

24 2-300A What is Projection? $300

25 2-400 This refers to the transfer of an idea from a threatening object to a less threatening object. $400

26 2-400A What is Displacement? $400

27 The pushing of anxiety-causing ideas to the subconscious.
2-500 The pushing of anxiety-causing ideas to the subconscious. $500

28 2-500A What is Repression? $500

29 3-100 This humanistic psychologist believed that people aspire to a point of self-actualization. $100

30 3-100A Who is Abraham Maslow? $100

31 3-200 Psychologist Paul Ekman studied this with the cultures around the world. $200

32 What is facial expressions or emotions?
What is facial expressions or emotions? $200

33 3-300 He believed that fluids in the body combined to form personality characteristics. $300

34 3-300A Who is Hippocrates? $300

35 3-400 This theorist searched the dictionary and found 18,000 words used to describe traits both physical and behavioral. $400

36 3-400A Who is Gordon Allport? $400

37 3-500 This group believed there were four basic emotions all people are born with, including happiness, sorrow, anger, and fear. $500

38 Who are the ancient Chinese?
Who are the ancient Chinese? $500

39 4-100 This psychological disorder causes people to have hallucinations and delusions. $100

40 4-100A What is schizophrenia? $100

41 4-200 This disorder is the result of extremely stressful situations, that the individual may begin to relive. $200

42 What is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?
What is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder? $200

43 4-300 This type of somatoform disorder is characterized by believing one is sick but having no proof of actual illness. $300

44 4-300A What is hypocondrasis? $300

45 4-400 Individuals suffering from this mood disorder will often experience unfounded guilt and loss of interest. $400

46 4-400A What is depression? $400

47 4-500 Don’t confuse this personality disorder with schizophrenia, it doesn’t involve hallucinations only a distrust of and a suspicion towards all people. $500

48 What is a paranoid personality disorder?
What is a paranoid personality disorder? $500

49 This type of stress helps you complete challenging experiences.
5-100 This type of stress helps you complete challenging experiences. $100

50 5-100A What is Eustress? $100

51 5-200 This type of stress is created as a result of harmful or fear inducing experience. $200

52 5-200A What is Distress? $200

53 5-300 Stress can be reduced by this, also referred to as “the best medicine.” $300

54 What is laughter or a sense of humor?
What is laughter or a sense of humor? $300

55 5-400 This occurs when people are experiencing a decision between two options, both of which contain good and bad consequences. $400

56 What is an Approach-Avoidance Conflict?
What is an Approach-Avoidance Conflict? $400

57 5-500 This syndrome occurs naturally and incorporates the fight or flight senses. $500

58 What is the general adaptation syndrome?
What is the general adaptation syndrome? $500

59 These are things that we need to survive.
6-100 These are things that we need to survive. $100

60 6-100A What are needs? $100

61 These are forces that motivate an organism to take action.
6-200 These are forces that motivate an organism to take action. $200

62 6-200A What is a drive? $200

63 6-300 People experience this theory when they learn to do anything to reduce an unwanted tension. $300

64 What is Drive-Reduction Theory?
What is Drive-Reduction Theory? $300

65 This is the absence of all stimulation.
6-400 This is the absence of all stimulation. $400

66 What is sensory deprivation?
What is sensory deprivation? $400

67 These goals are achieved through education for the sake of education.
6-500 These goals are achieved through education for the sake of education. $500

68 What are learning goals?
What are learning goals? $500

69 Final Jeopardy


71 Contestants: Please put down your writing tools and wait for further instructions.


73 That's all for today. Good luck on your test!

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