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2 ____Cihuatateo A. sacrifices himself to become moon ____ Xolotl B
____Cihuatateo A. sacrifices himself to become moon ____ Xolotl B. mother of Hero Twins ____ Cipactli C. site of creation of Fifth Sun ____ Tecuzitecatl D. maims Tezcatlipoca ____ Ehecatl E. realm of the dead ____ Hun Hunahpu F. site marked by broken tree ____ Xibalba G. descends into Mictlan with Quetzalcoatl ____ Xipe Totec H. Mayan god of maize ____ Xquic I. Mesoamerican wind god ____ Teotihuacan J. soul of woman dead in childbirth ____ Coyolxauhqui K. flayed Aztec god ____ Tamoanchan L. “She Whose Face is Adorned with Bells”

3 J. Cihuatateo A. sacrifices himself to become moon G. Xolotl B
J. Cihuatateo A. sacrifices himself to become moon G. Xolotl B. mother of Hero Twins D. Cipactli C. site of creation of Fifth Sun A. Tecuzitecatl D. maims Tezcatlipoca I. Ehecatl E. realm of the dead H. Hun Hunahpu F. site marked by broken tree E. Xibalba G. descends into Mictlan with Quetzalcoatl K. Xipe Totec H. Mayan god of maize B. Xquic I. Mesoamerican wind god C. Teotihuacan J. soul of woman dead in childbirth L. Coyolxauhqui K. flayed Aztec god F. Tamoanchan L. “She Whose Face is Adorned with Bells”

4 ____tzompantli A. threatens to eat the sun ____xochiyaoyotl B
____tzompantli A. threatens to eat the sun ____xochiyaoyotl B. servant who holds heart ____nahualli C. human treated as a god ____pulque D. product of maguey ____cuauhxicalli E. skull-rack ____chacmool F. war to obtain victims ____tzitzimime G. spirit-double ____ixiptla H. eagle fruit bowl

5 E. tzompantli A. threatens to eat the sun F. xochiyaoyotl B
E. tzompantli A. threatens to eat the sun F. xochiyaoyotl B. servant who holds heart G. nahualli C. human treated as a god D. pulque D. product of maguey H. cuauhxicalli E. skull-rack B. chacmool F. war to obtain victims A. tzitzimime G. spirit-double C. ixiptla H. eagle fruit bowl

6 ____Titlacauan A. pretends to be the sun ____Ometeotl B
____Titlacauan A. pretends to be the sun ____Ometeotl B. avatar of Quetzalcoatl ____Tlaloc C. cracks Mountain of Sustenance ____Mayahuel D. cave of emergence ____Vucub Caquix E. god of duality ____Motecuhzoma F. decapitated in underworld ____Hunahpu G. Mayan moon god ____Chicomoztoc H. corrupts high priest of Tola ____Topiltzin I. Aztec ruler ____Xbalanque J. elopes with Quetzalcoatl ____Nanahuatzin K. god of rain and lightning

7 H. Titlacauan A. pretends to be the sun E. Ometeotl B
H. Titlacauan A. pretends to be the sun E. Ometeotl B. avatar of Quetzalcoatl K. Tlaloc C. cracks Mountain of Sustenance J. Mayahuel D. cave of emergence A. Vucub Caquix E. god of duality I. Motecuhzoma F. decapitated in underworld F. Hunahpu G. Mayan moon god D. Chicomoztoc H. corrupts high priest of Tola B. Topiltzin I. last Aztec ruler G. Xbalanque J. elopes with Quetzalcoatl C. Nanahuatzin K. god of rain and lightning


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