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Temple University – CIS Dept. CIS331– Principles of Database Systems

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1 Temple University – CIS Dept. CIS331– Principles of Database Systems
V. Megalooikonomou Functional Dependencies (based on notes by Silberchatz,Korth, and Sudarshan and notes by C. Faloutsos at CMU)

2 General Overview Formal query languages Commercial query languages
rel algebra and calculi Commercial query languages SQL QBE, (QUEL) Integrity constraints Functional Dependencies Normalization - ‘good’ DB design

3 Overview Domain; Ref. Integrity constraints Assertions and Triggers
Security Functional dependencies why definition Armstrong’s “axioms” closure and cover

4 Functional dependencies
motivation: ‘good’ tables takes1 (ssn, c-id, grade, name, address) ‘good’ or ‘bad’?

5 Functional dependencies
takes1 (ssn, c-id, grade, name, address)

6 Functional dependencies
‘Bad’ - why?

7 Functional Dependencies
Redundancy space inconsistencies insertion/deletion anomalies (later…) What caused the problem?

8 Functional dependencies
… ‘name’ depends on ‘ssn’ define ‘depends’

9 Functional dependencies
Definition: ‘a’ functionally determines ‘b’

10 Functional dependencies
Informally: ‘if you know ‘a’, there is only one ‘b’ to match’

11 Functional dependencies
formally: if two tuples agree on the ‘X’ attribute, they *must* agree on the ‘Y’ attribute, too (e.g., if ssn is the same, so should address) … a functional dependency is a generalization of the notion of a key

12 Functional dependencies
‘X’, ‘Y’ can be sets of attributes other examples??

13 Functional dependencies
ssn -> name, address ssn, c-id -> grade

14 Functional dependencies
K is a superkey for relation R iff K -> R K is a candidate key for relation R iff: K -> R for no a  K, a -> R

15 Functional dependencies
Closure of a set of FD: all implied FDs – e.g.: ssn -> name, address ssn, c-id -> grade imply ssn, c-id -> grade, name, address ssn, c-id -> ssn

16 FDs - Armstrong’s axioms
Closure of a set of FD: all implied FDs – e.g.: ssn -> name, address ssn, c-id -> grade how to find all the implied ones, systematically?

17 FDs - Armstrong’s axioms
“Armstrong’s axioms” guarantee soundness and completeness: Reflexivity: e.g., ssn, name -> ssn Augmentation e.g., ssn->name then ssn,grade-> ssn,grade

18 FDs - Armstrong’s axioms
Transitivity ssn->address address-> county-tax-rate THEN: ssn-> county-tax-rate

19 FDs - Armstrong’s axioms
Reflexivity: Augmentation: Transitivity: ‘sound’ and ‘complete’

20 FDs – finding the closure F+
F+ = F repeat for each functional dependency f in F+ apply reflexivity and augmentation rules on f add the resulting functional dependencies to F+ for each pair of functional dependencies f1and f2 in F if f1 and f2 can be combined using transitivity then add the resulting functional dependency to F+ until F+ does not change any further We can further simplify manual computation of F+ by using the following additional rules 

21 FDs - Armstrong’s axioms
Additional rules: Union Decomposition Pseudo-transitivity

22 FDs - Armstrong’s axioms
Prove ‘Union’ from the three axioms:

23 FDs - Armstrong’s axioms
Prove ‘Union’ from the three axioms:

24 FDs - Armstrong’s axioms
Prove Pseudo-transitivity:

25 FDs - Armstrong’s axioms
Prove Decomposition

26 }F FDs - Closure F+ Given a set F of FD (on a schema)
F+ is the set of all implied FD. E.g., takes(ssn, c-id, grade, name, address) ssn, c-id -> grade ssn-> name, address }F

27 FDs - Closure F+ ssn, c-id -> grade ssn-> name, address
ssn-> ssn ssn, c-id-> address c-id, address-> c-id ... F+

28 FDs - Closure F+ R=(A,B,C,G,H,I) F= { A->B A->C CG->H
CG->I B->H} Some members of F+: A->H AG->I CG->HI

29 }F FDs - Closure A+ Given a set F of FD (on a schema)
A+ is the set of all attributes determined by A: takes(ssn, c-id, grade, name, address) ssn, c-id -> grade ssn-> name, address {ssn}+ =?? }F

30 }F FDs - Closure A+ takes(ssn, c-id, grade, name, address)
ssn-> name, address {ssn}+ ={ssn, name, address } }F

31 }F FDs - Closure A+ takes(ssn, c-id, grade, name, address)
ssn-> name, address {c-id}+ = ?? }F

32 }F FDs - Closure A+ takes(ssn, c-id, grade, name, address)
ssn-> name, address {c-id, ssn}+ = ?? }F

33 FDs - Closure A+ if A+ = {all attributes of table}
then ‘A’ is a candidate key

34 FDs - Closure A+ Algorithm to compute a+, the closure of a under F
result := a; while (changes to result) do for each    in F do begin if   result then result := result   end

35 FDs - Closure A+ (example)
R = (A, B, C, G, H, I) F = {A  B, A  C, CG  H, CG  I, B  H} (AG)+ 1. result = AG 2. result = ABCG (A  C and A  B) 3. result = ABCGH (CG  H and CG  AGBC) 4. result = ABCGHI (CG  I and CG  AGBCH) Is AG a candidate key? Is AG a super key? Does AG  R? Is any subset of AG a superkey? Does A+  R? Does G+  R?

36 FDs - A+ closure Diagrams AB->C (1) A->BC (2) B->C (3)

37 FDs - ‘canonical cover’ Fc
Given a set F of FD (on a schema) Fc is a minimal set of equivalent FD. E.g., takes(ssn, c-id, grade, name, address) ssn, c-id -> grade ssn-> name, address ssn,name-> name, address ssn, c-id-> grade, name F

38 FDs - ‘canonical cover’ Fc
ssn, c-id -> grade ssn-> name, address ssn,name-> name, address ssn, c-id-> grade, name Fc F

39 FDs - ‘canonical cover’ Fc
why do we need it? define it properly compute it efficiently

40 FDs - ‘canonical cover’ Fc
why do we need it? easier to compute candidate keys define it properly compute it efficiently

41 FDs - ‘canonical cover’ Fc
define it properly - three properties every FD a->b has no extraneous attributes on the RHS same for the LHS all LHS parts are unique

42 FDs - ‘canonical cover’ Fc
‘extraneous’ attribute: if the closure is the same, before and after its elimination or if F-before implies F-after and vice-versa

43 FDs - ‘canonical cover’ Fc
ssn, c-id -> grade ssn-> name, address ssn,name-> name, address ssn, c-id-> grade, name F

44 FDs - ‘canonical cover’ Fc
Algorithm: examine each FD; drop extraneous LHS or RHS attributes merge FDs with same LHS repeat until no change

45 FDs - ‘canonical cover’ Fc
Trace algo for AB->C (1) A->BC (2) B->C (3) A->B (4)

46 FDs - ‘canonical cover’ Fc
Trace algo for AB->C (1) A->BC (2) B->C (3) A->B (4) (4) and (2) merge: AB->C (1) A->BC (2) B->C (3)

47 FDs - ‘canonical cover’ Fc
AB->C (1) A->BC (2) B->C (3) in (2): ‘C’ is extr. AB->C (1) A->B (2’) B->C (3)

48 FDs - ‘canonical cover’ Fc
AB->C (1) A->B (2’) B->C (3) in (1): ‘A’ is extr. B->C (1’) A->B (2’) B->C (3)

49 FDs - ‘canonical cover’ Fc
B->C (1’) A->B (2’) B->C (3) (1’) and (3) merge A->B (2’) B->C (3) nothing is extraneous: ‘canonical cover’

50 FDs - ‘canonical cover’ Fc
BEFORE AB->C (1) A->BC (2) B->C (3) A->B (4) AFTER A->B (2’) B->C (3)

51 Overview - conclusions
Domain; Ref. Integrity constraints Assertions and Triggers Functional dependencies why definition Armstrong’s “axioms” closure and cover

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