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Starting the Revolution. Up in here.

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1 Starting the Revolution. Up in here.
Acts of Revolution? Starting the Revolution. Up in here.

2 Proclamation of 1763. This stated that the colonists couldn’t go past the Appalachian Mountains The British were tired of fighting and believed that there would be more fighting if the colonists went over the mountains. In order to pay for the troops that would enforce this, the British taxed the colonists.

3 British point of view Uh, hey, ya, so we just fought a war to help protect you all from the French. Wars cost a boat load of money. So, it’s only fair that you pitch in. Also, we KNOW you are going to get into fights with Natives and other people if you go past the mountains so you’re just going to have to stay put. We can’t keep financing wars. So sit down. Shut up.

4 Colonist Point of View Excuse me??????!!!!!!!
Oh hecks no. Listen, we didn’t ask you to fight the French, so don’t make us pay for your mess. Also, I want to go over them mountains. Oh, and don’t tax us. Ever. It’s taxation without representation. Ya jerks.

5 Stamp Act It required that all legal documents, newspapers, pamphlets, almanacs, playing cards, dice…..have a stamp on them that proved they had been taxed. Colonists are fired up! Taxation without Representation! They protest, led by Samuel Adams. A deliciously tasting…wait, a committed Patriot!

6 Stamp Act Congress Leaders of the Colonies meet in NYC to draft a formal refusal to pay the tax since Parliament didn’t allow them representation. The colonies are starting to act as “one.”

7 Towshend Acts These were taxes on every day goods, like glass, lead, paint, paper, and tea. Now the colonists are getting really upset. Well organized protests happen throughout the colonies and they are all mad about “Taxation without Representation.”

8 Colonial Response They boycott British goods, especially tea, and start distributing tea themselves.

9 British Response They enact the “Tea Act” which requires the Colonists to purchase tea from the British East India Company. The tea would actually end up being cheaper than it was when the Colonists were selling it themselves.

10 Colonists Response! Mass protests………. Boston Tea Party……..

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