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Characteristics of an Effective Learner

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1 Characteristics of an Effective Learner
Study Strategies

2 Effective Learners Objective: To identify the mindset and characteristics of an effective learner. Reason(s): To apply this knowledge to achieve greater success in academics and extra-curricular activities. Activities: PowerPoint Notes, video focus questions, webquests, and class discussions. Assessment: Informal observations of class participation and completed study guides.

3 4 Characteristics of Effective Learners
1. Effort 2. Persistence 3. Achievement 4. Growth

4 Effort Definition- the use of physical or mental energy to get something done; exertion

5 Effort x Strategies = Success
Important to our success as learners. Effort x Strategies = Success Can be determined by our “mindset” Mindset- a particular attitude or disposition regarding a situation. Fixed Mindset vs Growth Mindset

6 Effort & The Adolescent Brain
Neuroscience suggests “use it or lose it” Whatever we dedicate our efforts towards shapes our brains Build strong neural connections

7 “Every branch and twig of a bonsai is shaped or eliminated until the chosen image is achieved. From then on, the image is maintained and improved by a constant regime of pruning and trimming.” -The Bonsai Site

8 Persistent Definition-refusing to give up or let go; tenacious; stubborn; never-ceasing

9 Examples of Persistence:
Michael Jordan, cut from the varsity team tryouts, is now in the basketball hall of fame. JK Rowling, the author of Harry Potter, was turned down by publishers twelve times before she was finally published.

10 Perseverance means… Continuing towards a goal despite challenges
Accepting challenges beyond your skill set Accepting constructive criticism to improve Moving through challenges for growth and development as a student and a person

11 Personal Growth Definition- the process of developing from a simpler form to a more complex form; full development; maturity

12 How do we measure personal growth?

13 Achievement Definition- something accomplished by superior ability, special effort, great courage

14 Conclusion An Effective Learner demonstrates effort and persistence, and uses learning strategies for growth and achievement.

15 Resources The Bonsai Site (2008). Dweck, C. (2007). The Perils and Promises of Praise. Educational Leadership, 65(2), Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2003). Program Eight. Portfolios [Motion Picture]. Designing Assessments to Promote Learning. Baltimore: Author. PBS (2002). Frontline: Inside the Teenage Brain.

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