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Demand Characteristics
Week 400 – 300 – 200 – 100 – No. of tables Continuous demand M T W Th F M T W Th F Discrete demand Independent demand 100 tables Dependent demand 100 x 1 = 100 tabletops 100 x 4 = 400 table legs
Demand Management Independent demand items are the only items demand for which needs to be forecasted These items include: Finished goods and Spare parts
Demand Management Independent Demand (finished goods and spare parts)
B(4) C(2) D(2) E(1) D(3) F(2) Dependent Demand (components) 3
Introduction Demand estimates for independent demand products and services are the starting point for all the other forecasts in POM. Management teams develop sales forecasts based in part on demand estimates. Sales forecasts become inputs to both business strategy and production resource forecasts.
What is Forecasting? Process of predicting a future event based on historical data Educated Guessing Underlying basis of all business decisions Production Inventory Personnel Facilities Sales will be $200 Million!
Importance of Forecasting in POM
Departments throughout the organization depend on forecasts to formulate and execute their plans. Finance needs forecasts to project cash flows and capital requirements. Human resources need forecasts to anticipate hiring needs. Production needs forecasts to plan production levels, workforce, material requirements, inventories, etc.
The Effect of Inaccurate Forecasting
Product Demand over Time
Demand for product or service This slide illustrates a typical demand curve. You might ask students why it is important to know more than simply the actual demand over time. Why, for example, would one wish to be able to break out a “seasonality” factor? Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
Product Demand over Time
Trend component Seasonal peaks Demand for product or service This slide illustrates a typical demand curve. You might ask students why it is important to know more than simply the actual demand over time. Why, for example, would one wish to be able to break out a “seasonality” factor? Actual demand line Random variation Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Now let’s look at some time series approaches to forecasting…
Forms of Forecast Movement
Types of Forecasts by Time Horizon
Quantitative methods Short-range forecast Usually < 3 months Job scheduling, worker assignments Medium-range forecast 3 months to 2 years Sales/production planning Long-range forecast > 2 years New product planning Detailed use of system At this point, it may be useful to point out the “time horizons” considered by different industries. For example, some colleges and universities look 30 to fifty years ahead, industries engaged in long distance transportation (steam ship, railroad) or provision of basic power (electrical and gas utilities, etc.) also look far ahead (20 to 100 years). Ask them to give examples of industries having much shorter long-range horizons. Design of system Qualitative Methods
Forecasting Methods Time series Regression methods Qualitative
statistical techniques that use historical demand data to predict future demand Regression methods attempt to develop a mathematical relationship between demand and factors that cause its behavior Qualitative use management judgment, expertise, and opinion to predict future demand
Forecasting Approaches
Qualitative Methods (opinion based) Quantitative Methods (statistics based) Used when situation is vague & little data exist New products New technology Involves intuition, experience e.g forecasting sales on internet Used when situation is stable & historical data exist Existing products Current technology Involves mathematical techniques e.g., forecasting sales of color televisions This slide distinguishes between Quantitative and Qualitative forecasting. If you accept the argument that the future is one of perpetual, and perhaps significant change, you may wish to ask students to consider whether quantitative forecasting will ever be sufficient in the future - or will we always need to employ qualitative forecasting also. (Consider Tupperware’s ‘jury of executive opinion.’)
Qualitative Forecasting Methods
Models Executive judgement Sales force survey Market research/ survey Delphi Method A point you may wish to make here is that only in the case of linear regression are we assuming that we know “why” something happened. General time-series models are based exclusively on “what” happened in the past; not at all on “why.” Does operating in a time of drastic change imply limitations on our ability to use time series models?
Qualitative Methods Executive committee consensus Delphi method Survey of sales force Survey of customers Historical analogy Market research
Qualitative Methods Briefly, the qualitative methods are:
Executive Judgment: Opinion of a group of high level experts or managers is pooled Sales Force Composite: Each regional salesperson provides his/her sales estimates. Those forecasts are then reviewed to make sure they are realistic. All regional forecasts are then pooled at the district and national levels to obtain an overall forecast. Market Research/Survey: Solicits input from customers pertaining to their future purchasing plans. It involves the use of questionnaires, consumer panels and tests of new products and services.
Qualitative Methods Delphi Method: As opposed to regular panels where the individuals involved are in direct communication, this method eliminates the effects of group potential dominance of the most vocal members. The group involves individuals from inside as well as outside the organization. Typically, the procedure consists of the following steps: Each expert in the group makes his/her own forecasts in form of statements The coordinator collects all group statements and summarizes them The coordinator provides this summary and gives another set of questions to each group member including feedback as to the input of other experts. The above steps are repeated until a consensus is reached.
Quantitative Forecasting Approaches
Based on the assumption that the “forces” that generated the past demand will generate the future demand, i.e., history will tend to repeat itself Analysis of the past demand pattern provides a good basis for forecasting future demand Majority of quantitative approaches fall in the category of time series analysis
Quantitative Forecasting Methods
Time Series Regression Models Models A point you may wish to make here is that only in the case of linear regression are we assuming that we know “why” something happened. General time-series models are based exclusively on “what” happened in the past; not at all on “why.” Does operating in a time of drastic change imply limitations on our ability to use time series models? 2. Moving 3. Exponential 1. Naive Average Smoothing a) simple b) weighted a) level b) trend c) seasonality
Try to predict the future based on past data
Time Series Models Try to predict the future based on past data Assume that factors influencing the past will continue to influence the future A time series is a set of numbers where the order or sequence of the numbers is important, e.g., historical demand Analysis of the time series identifies patterns Once the patterns are identified, they can be used to develop a forecast 14
Components of Time Series
What’s going on here? x x Sales 1 2 3 4 Year 6
Components of Time Series
Trends are noted by an upward or downward sloping line Seasonality is a data pattern that repeats itself over the period of one year or less Cycle is a data pattern that repeats itself... may take years Irregular variations are jumps in the level of the series due to extraordinary events Random fluctuation from random variation or unexplained causes
Demand in next period is the same as demand in most recent period
1. Simple Naive Approach Demand in next period is the same as demand in most recent period May sales = 48 → Usually not good June forecast = 48 This slide introduces the naïve approach. Subsequent slides introduce other methodologies.
Moving Average: Naïve Approach
Jan 120 Feb 90 Mar 100 Apr 75 May 110 June 50 July 75 Aug 130 Sept 110 Oct 90 ORDERS MONTH PER MONTH Nov FORECAST
Example: Naïve Approach
Jan 120 Feb 90 Mar 100 Apr 75 May 110 June 50 July 75 Aug 130 Sept 110 Oct 90 ORDERS MONTH PER MONTH - 120 90 100 75 110 50 130 Nov FORECAST
An averaging period (AP) is selected
Simple Moving Average An averaging period (AP) is selected Assumes an average is a good estimator of future behavior It is called a “simple” average because each period used to compute the average is equally weighted
Simple Moving Average The forecast for the next period is the arithmetic average of the AP most recent actual demands By increasing the AP, the forecast is less responsive to fluctuations in demand (low impulse response) By decreasing the AP, the forecast is more responsive to fluctuations in demand (high impulse response)
2a. Simple Moving Average
Ft+1 = Forecast for the upcoming period, t+1 n = Number of periods to be averaged A t = Actual occurrence in period t 15
2a. Simple Moving Average
You’re manager in Amazon’s electronics department. You want to forecast ipod sales for months 4-6 using a 3-period moving average. Sales (000) Month 1 4 2 6 3 5 4 ? 5 ? 6 ?
2a. Simple Moving Average
Month Sales (000) Moving Average (n=3) 1 4 NA 2 6 3 5 ? (4+6+5)/3=5
What if ipod sales were actually 3 in month 4
2a. Simple Moving Average What if ipod sales were actually 3 in month 4 Sales (000) Moving Average Month (n=3) 1 4 NA 2 6 NA 3 5 NA 4 3 ? 5 5 ? 6 ?
2a. Simple Moving Average
Forecast for Month 5? Sales (000) Moving Average Month (n=3) 1 4 NA 2 6 NA 3 5 NA 4 3 5 5 ? (6+5+3)/3=4.667 6 ?
Actual Demand for Month 5 = 7
2a. Simple Moving Average Actual Demand for Month 5 = 7 Sales (000) Moving Average Month (n=3) 1 4 NA 2 6 NA 3 5 NA 4 3 5 5 ? 7 4.667 6 ?
2a. Simple Moving Average
Forecast for Month 6? Sales (000) Moving Average Month (n=3) 1 4 NA 2 6 NA 3 5 NA 4 3 5 5 7 4.667 6 (5+3+7)/3=5 ?
Let’s develop 3-week and 6-week moving average forecasts for demand.
Simple Moving Average Let’s develop 3-week and 6-week moving average forecasts for demand. Assume you only have 3 weeks and 6 weeks of actual demand data for the respective forecasts 15
Simple Moving Average 16
Simple Moving Average 17
Weighted Moving Average
This is a variation on the simple moving average where instead of the weights used to compute the average being equal, they are not equal This allows more recent demand data to have a greater effect on the moving average, therefore the forecast . . . more
Weighted Moving Average
The weights must add to 1.0 and generally decrease in value with the age of the data The distribution of the weights determine impulse response of the forecast
Weighted Moving Average
Adjusts moving average method to more closely reflect data fluctuations WMAn = i = 1 Wi Di where Wi = the weight for period i, between 0 and 100 percent Wi = 1.00 n
Weighted Moving Average
Determine the 3-period weighted moving average forecast for period 4 Weights (adding up to 1.0): t-1: .5 t-2: .3 t-3: .2 20
Solution 21
Weighted Moving Average Example
MONTH WEIGHT DATA August 17% 130 September 33% 110 October 50% 90 3 i = 1 Wi Di November Forecast
Weighted Moving Average Example
MONTH WEIGHT DATA August 17% 130 September 33% 110 October 50% 90 3 i = 1 Wi Di = (0.50)(90) + (0.33)(110) + (0.17)(130) = orders November Forecast
Exponential Smoothing
Averaging method Weights most recent data more strongly Reacts more to recent changes Widely used, accurate method Smoothing constant, α applied to most recent data
3a. Exponential Smoothing
Assumes the most recent observations have the highest predictive value gives more weight to recent time periods Need initial forecast Ft to start. Ft+1 = Ft + a(At - Ft) et Ft+1 = Forecast value for time t+1 At = Actual value at time t = Smoothing constant 24
3a. Exponential Smoothing – Example 1
Ft+1 = Ft + a(At - Ft) i Ai Given the weekly demand data what are the exponential smoothing forecasts for periods 2-10 using a=0.10? Assume F1=D1 25
3a. Exponential Smoothing – Example 1
Ft+1 = Ft + a(At - Ft) i Ai Fi a = F2 = F1+ a(A1–F1) =820+.1(820–820) =820 26
3a. Exponential Smoothing – Example 1
Ft+1 = Ft + a(At - Ft) i Ai Fi a = F3 = F2+ a(A2–F2) =820+.1(775–820) =815.5 26
3a. Exponential Smoothing – Example 1
Ft+1 = Ft + a(At - Ft) i Ai Fi a = This process continues through week 10 26
3a. Exponential Smoothing – Example 1
Ft+1 = Ft + a(At - Ft) i Ai Fi a = a = What if the a constant equals 0.6 26
3a. Exponential Smoothing – Example 2
Ft+1 = Ft + a(At - Ft) i Ai Fi a = a = What if the a constant equals 0.6 26
3a. Exponential Smoothing – Example 3
Company A, a personal computer producer purchases generic parts and assembles them to final product. Even though most of the orders require customization, they have many common components. Thus, managers of Company A need a good forecast of demand so that they can purchase computer parts accordingly to minimize inventory cost while meeting acceptable service level. Demand data for its computers for the past 5 months is given in the following table. 26
3a. Exponential Smoothing – Example 3
Ft+1 = Ft + a(At - Ft) i Ai Fi a = a = What if the a constant equals 0.5 26
To Use a Forecasting Method
Collect historical data Select a model Moving average methods Select n (number of periods) For weighted moving average: select weights Exponential smoothing Select Selections should produce a good forecast This slide introduces the exponential smoothing method of time series forecasting. The following slide contains the equations, and an example follows. …but what is a good forecast?
A Good Forecast Has a small error Error = Demand - Forecast
This slide indicates one method of selecting .
Measures of Forecast Error
et MAD = Mean Absolute Deviation MSE = Mean Squared Error This slide illustrates the equations for two measures of forecast error. Students might be asked if there is an occasion when one method might be preferred over the other. RMSE = Root Mean Squared Error Ideal values =0 (i.e., no forecasting error)
Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD)
What is the MAD value given the forecast values in the table below?
MAD Example = 40 4 =10 What is the MAD value given the forecast values in the table below? At Ft |At – Ft| Month Sales Forecast 1 220 n/a 2 250 255 5 5 3 210 205 4 300 320 20 5 325 315 10 = 40 31
MAD Example PERIOD DEMAND, At Ft ( =0.3) (At - Ft) |At - Ft|
– – PERIOD DEMAND, At Ft ( =0.3) (At - Ft) |At - Ft|
MAD Calculation At - Ft n MAD = = = 4.85 53.39 11
MSE/RMSE Example What is the MSE value? √137.5 =11.73 Month Sales
= 550 4 =137.5 What is the MSE value? RMSE = √137.5 =11.73 At Ft |At – Ft| (At – Ft)2 Month Sales Forecast 1 220 n/a 2 250 255 5 25 5 25 3 210 205 4 300 320 20 400 5 325 315 10 100 = 550 31
Quantitative Forecasting Methods
Time Series Regression Models Models A point you may wish to make here is that only in the case of linear regression are we assuming that we know “why” something happened. General time-series models are based exclusively on “what” happened in the past; not at all on “why.” Does operating in a time of drastic change imply limitations on our ability to use time series models? 2. Moving 3. Exponential 1. Naive Average Smoothing a) simple b) weighted a) level b) trend c) seasonality
Regression Methods Linear regression Correlation
mathematical technique that relates a dependent variable to an independent variable in the form of a linear equation Correlation a measure of the strength of the relationship between independent and dependent variables
Simple Linear Regression
Relationship between one independent variable, X, and a dependent variable, Y. Assumed to be linear (a straight line) Form: Y = a + bX Y = dependent variable X = independent variable a = y-axis intercept b = slope of regression line
Simple Linear Regression Model
Yt = a + bx Y x (weeks) b is similar to the slope. However, since it is calculated with the variability of the data in mind, its formulation is not as straight-forward as our usual notion of slope 35
Calculating a and b 36
Regression Equation Example
Develop a regression equation to predict sales based on these five points. 37
Regression Equation Example
Slide 70 of 55 38
y = 143.5 + 6.3t Regression Equation Example 180 175 170 165 160 Sales
155 Sales Forecast 150 145 140 135 Period 1 2 3 4 5 Slide 71 of 55 39
Linear Regression Example
x y (WINS) (ATTENDANCE) xy x2 4 36.3 6 40.1 6 41.2 8 53.0 6 44.0 7 45.6 5 39.0 7 47.5
Linear Regression Example
y = b = a = y - bx xy - nxy2 x2 - nx2
Linear Regression Example
x y (WINS) (ATTENDANCE) xy x2
Linear Regression Example
y = = b = = = 4.06 a = y - bx = (4.06)(6.125) = 49 8 346.9 xy - nxy2 x2 - nx2 (2,167.7) - (8)(6.125)(43.36) (311) - (8)(6.125)2
Linear Regression Example
60,000 – 50,000 – 40,000 – 30,000 – 20,000 – 10,000 – Linear regression line, y = x Attendance, y Attendance forecast for 7 wins y = (7) = 46.88, or 46,880 | | | | | | | | | | | Wins, x
Regression – Example y = a + b X 26
Linear Regression Example
x y (WINS) (ATTENDANCE) xy x2
Linear Regression Example
y = = b = = = 4.06 a = y - bx = (4.06)(6.125) = 49 8 346.9 xy - nxy2 x2 - nx2 (2,167.7) - (8)(6.125)(43.36) (311) - (8)(6.125)2
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