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TIA Portal Workshop Safety u TIA Portal-u
Safety Integrated - glavne komponente
Detekcija Evaluacija Reakcija SIRIUS krajnje sklopke SIMATIC fail-safe kontroleri SINAMICS frekvencijski pretvarači SIRIUS sigurnosne gljive SIRIUS releji SIRIUS sklopnici On which products we put our focus. The big part of the workshop will be around SIMATIC Safety Solutions and this in combination with Drives Safety. Because the team SIMATIC / SINAMICS creates regarding Safety additional advantages .
Automatizacija procesa
Klasični pristup Safety sustav Automatizacija procesa Detekcija Evaluacija Kontroler Standardna komunikacija Distribuirana periferija Pogon What do I mean with tradition ? Sometime in the past a safety concept was developed like this For example: You open a safety door and then the related drive was powered off. This is safe and worked well. And this concept was then also copied to other machines because it was “proven”. The question was never raised if this is the best concept for the machine. Maybe it would more efficient not to Power off the drives (because of the risks regarding start-up or loss of diagnostics) and use the integrated safety function STO. Or probably it is even better not the stop the drive at all , but simply let it run at a lower speed (maintenance). If you don’t address the safety topic actively at a customer like this, than he probably won’t touch the concept. (Remark: Click on the free areas to come back to slide 8.) Reakcija
Što je sigurnosna funkcija?
E-STOP Nadzor za vrata/ poklopce stroja Nadzor prostora/zone Now let us define what is a safety function, because this term will be used several afterwards. Here we have the “classical” safety functions like E-STOP or Monitoring of safety doors. I also added area monitoring with a laser scanner or safety mat. What all this functions have in common: A user directly triggers the safety reaction ( presses E-STOP, opens safety door or stand in a area).
Što je sigurnosna funkcija?
Nadzor brzine Nadzor stanja/ mirovanja Nadzor pozicije But there are also more modern safety functions, which are not really new, but are not that common than the functions mentioned earlier. Let me start with the Speed monitoring. I need to make sure that a machine does not accelerate unexpected and runs faster the specified. Another one is the standstill monitoring which I can use here to save time. Let’s assume there is a error and a person needs to access the area to fix it. Now I either move the carrier into a parking position or hold the carrier in position and activate a standstill monitoring. The standstill monitoring would save time, because the process can be continued faster. Last but not least, especially for bigger applications the position monitoring can be used to adjust safety function (slower / faster) or to turn on or off some safety functions depending on the position. All this functions are not triggered directly by a person, but are meant to monitor the machine itself. They all have something to do with movement. And movements are best monitored where are created. In the drive. And our SINAMICS drives provide the necessary safety function with SLS, SOS and SLP/SP. SLS SOS SLP/SP SINAMICS
Razne arhitekture sigurnosnih sustava
Safety relej Standardni PLC Standardni PLC Safety PLC Programibilni Safety relej Safety Integrated PLC Standardni PLC Here is an overview about safety architectures ( solutions ) which are common today. 3 of the 4 solutions have one thing in common. Safety is handled separately. Independent of the pro and cons, I would like to highlight that we (Siemens) can offer Products/ solutions for all this architectures. ( Remark: This part of the presentation is meant to be interactive with the audience The audience should share their experience, why their customers probably use one of the 3 Non SIMATIC Safety Integrated architectures. On the other hand, why they probably were successful with SIMATIC Safety Integrated. )
Korištenje safety releja
Zašto se koristi ova kombinacija? Neovisan o glavnom PLC-u Neovisno programiranje (Standardno – Safety ) Mali broj sigurnosnih funkcija Potrebno “samo” ožičiti sustav „Tradicija“ Safety relej Standardni PLC ( Each of the point can be made visible individually by clicking on the box. ) Independent of main PLC Independent of Brand or size of the main PLC Separate Responsibilities (Standard – Safety ) Different people have different responsibilities Small Number (1-3) of safety functions (SF) Low complexity “Only” wiring necessary No programming skills required – (Maybe linked with Separate responsibilities) „Tradition“ It always was done in this way
Korištenje programibilnih safety releja
Zašto se koristi ova kombinacija? Neovisan o glavnom PLC-u Neovisno programiranje (Standardno – Safety ) Veći broj sigurnosnih funkcija Dodatne funkcionalnosti (Muting, Motion, …) Safety komunikacija Programibilni safety relej Standardni PLC ( Each of the point can be made visible individually by clicking on the box. ) Independent of main PLC Independent of Brand or size of the main PLC Separate Responsibilities (Standard – Safety ) Different people have different responsibilities Medium number of safety functions (SF) Additional functions (Muting, Motion, …) Safety communication Between units (e.g. MSS via AS-I …)
Korištenje neovisnog Safety PLC-a
Zašto se koristi ova kombinacija? Neovisan o glavnom PLC-u Neovisno programiranje (Standardno – Safety ) Velik broj sigurnosnih funkcija Standardni PLC ne postoji u Safety izvedbi Korištenje distribuiranih signala Standard PLC Safety PLC ( Each of the point can be made visible individually by clicking on the box. ) Independent of main PLC Independent of Brand or size of the main PLC Separate Responsibilities (Standard – Safety ) Different people have different responsibilities Many safety functions No safety version available of main PLC E.g. (S7-313C or Simotion) Use of decentralized I/Os
Korištenje SIMATIC Safety Integrated
Zašto se koristi ova kombinacija? Jedinstveni inženjering Sveobuhvatna sistemska dijagnostika Safety komunikacija preko PROFINET-a Ušteda prostora u upravljačkom ormaru Jednostavno testiranje Safety Integrated PLC ( Each of the point can be made visible individually by clicking on the box. ) One Engineering This is from our experience the most common reason. System wide diagnostic Safety diagnostics are part of the general diagnostic concept/ Mechanisms PROFINET capabilities E.g. Safety function in Drives can be used via PROFINET Saving of cabinet space One PLC Simpler to test Standard and safety can be tested together
Primjer stroja Sigurnosna vrata (SF 2) Nadzor sigurnosnih vrata
E-STOP (SF1) Dvoručna komanda (SF 3) Trenutno zaustavlja kružnu pilu i pokretnu traku Ručno umetanje materijala kod specijalnih rezova
Mitsubishi FX3 + PNOZ S7-1200
Povezivanje sigurnosnih funkcija
E-Stop Sigurnosna vrata Dvoručna komanda Kružna pila Pokretna traka
Usporedba utrošenog vremena
PNOZ Trajanje S7-1200 Planiranje Odabir opreme Definiranje projektnog zadatka 5:00 Odabir potrebnih F-I/O kartica prema broju sig. funkcija 1:00 Razrada sigurnosnog sustava 2:00 Inženjering/ puštanje u rad Ožičenje sigurnosnog sustava 3:00 Programiranje i optimizacija Safety programa Dijagnostika u glavnom PLC-u Ukupno 10:00 6:00
PNOZ S7-1200 HW – usporedba cijena Kataloška cijena e1p (E-Stop)
e2.1p (2-Hand) e1.1p (Safety door) e1.1p (Circular saw) e1.1p (Conveyor belt) e1.1p additional E-Stop Misubishi CPU + I/Os € 124,80 € 229,60 € 141,90 € 400,- S7-1214FC 6ES7214-1AF40-0XB0 SM 126 F-DI 16x24 V DC 6ES7226-6BA32-0XB0 SM 126 F-DO 4x24 V DC 6ES7226-6DA32-0XB0 € 475,- € 160,- Ukupno € 1322,- € 795,-
- + - + - + Zaključak Dodatna ožičenja
Mitsubishi FX3 + PNOZ S7-1200 Dodatna ožičenja Jedan sustav za standardni i sigurnosni program - + Velik trošak kod promjene Fleksibilnost - + Dijagnostika unutar upravljačkog ormara Sistemska dijagnostika od senzora do HMI sustava - +
Zahvaljujemo na pažnji
Pitanja? Team Safety Automation Days 2015
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