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Created By: Kimberly Sink Select one of the following to learn more about feedback Overview Descriptive Evaluative Theory into Practice.

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Presentation on theme: "Created By: Kimberly Sink Select one of the following to learn more about feedback Overview Descriptive Evaluative Theory into Practice."— Presentation transcript:


2 Created By: Kimberly Sink

3 Select one of the following to learn more about feedback Overview Descriptive Evaluative Theory into Practice

4 Research has shown that one of the most effective ways to increase student learning is to give them regular, high quality feedback. Research has also shown that the overwhelming majority of feedback given in classrooms has no impact on learning. Teachers need to distinguish between descriptive feedback for learning versus evaluative feedback of learning and be skilled at giving students feedback that helps them meet learning targets.

5 Lets see what the experts have to say about feedback

6 Take a moment to reflect on how research impacts your current practice in the classroom.

7 Is specific information in the form of written comments or conversation that helps the learner understand what he or she needs to do to close the gaps between actual and desired performance. The feedback should: Comment on students strengths relative to the learning task Comment on area(s) for student improvement Provide suggestions for improvement

8 Comment on strengths You did an excellent job describing the connections between the great depression, the 1930s drought, Public Law 78, and the plight of Mexican farm workers. Comment on areas of improvement You need to connect the reasons for the boycott with accurate details and descriptions of the working conditions for farm workers. Provide suggestions for improvement You may want to create a set of note cards for each of the rights they were for and make a bulleted list of the working conditions that led them to fight for that right.

9 Select an icon to watch a video model of feedback. Descriptive Evaluative


11 Is a summary of how well the learner performed on a particular task. It is often given in the form of letter grades, numbers, check marks, symbols and / or general comments such as excellent or keep trying.

12 Great Job! 87% B Keep up the Good Work Better Luck Next Time Watch your punctuation


14 I am proud of you. Jude, your topic sentences are clear and well thought out. I would like to see more concrete details or evidence to support them on your next paper. 81% Great Job! The quality of your writing has really improved. When writing the symbol for a chemical element that has two letters the first letter is always capitalized and the second letter is not. Ex: helium is He. A- Go back and read the instructions more carefully, then re- read your answer. Excellent job getting yourself open and communicating your position to your team. Work on passing the ball more at least 3 times before taking a shot. Keep Trying Excellent! Youre quality has really improved. Way to Go! Big improvement during todays discussion! You brought Jose into the discussion by asking him a question and backed up your answers with evidence. Great job!

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