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Stars #20.

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1 Stars #20

2 Birth of a Solar System 5 Steps Nebula
rotating cloud of dust and gas expelled by a previous star that exploded Shock wave causes part of nebula to collapse Collapsed area begins to condense forming A protoplanetary disk with a protostar at the center Prostar continues to contract until fusion occurs, which creates a star Rest of material begins to form planetesimals which then become planets.

3 Nebulas

4 Nebulas

5 Properties of a Star Color and Temp Brightness Hot to cold
Blue  White  Yellow  Orange  Red Brightness Measures distance Apparent brightness View from earth Watts/meter squared Absolute brightness Actual brightness excluding distance Watts/second

6 Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram
H-R diagram Surface temp vs. luminosity Can estimate distance Main sequence 90% of stars Runs from upper left to lower right of diagram

7 Other Stars Super giants Giant stars White dwarfs
Much brighter than most main sequence stars Giant stars Larger, cooler stars White dwarfs Small dense remains of a low or medium mass star

8 Life Cycle Nebula – 1st phase Protostar – 2nd phase Low-mass High-mass
Two possible sequences based on mass Low-mass Red giant  planetary nebula  white dwarf High-mass Red supergiant  Supernova  neutron star Black hole

9 Geologic Time Earth forms Atmosphere forms Rise of life
Fossil Record indicates that single celled life first emerged 3.5 billion years ago Cretaceous-Tertiary (K-T) extinction 65.5 million years ago Dinosaurs extinct Permian extinction million years ago Largest extinction of all 90-95% of marine species became extinct Ice age ended about 11,000 years ago

10 Universe is Expanding 1st Expanding universe 2nd Background Radiation
Distance between galaxies is increasing Red Shift Wavelength shifts to red as galaxies move further away, shift to blue as they get closer. 2nd Background Radiation Microwaves left over from big bang

11 Words of Wisdom

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