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Ensure Use and Share Lessons Learned

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Presentation on theme: "Ensure Use and Share Lessons Learned"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ensure Use and Share Lessons Learned
Step 6 Ensure Use and Share Lessons Learned

2 Objectives Describe the importance of presenting results to different audiences Demonstrate how to present information

3 The CDC Evaluation Framework

4 Communicating to Stakeholders
Supporters/implementers Recipients/beneficiaries Decision-makers

5 Communicating With Groups
Know the group Values, beliefs, perceptions Stakeholders want different things Build on group’s background Find common ground; use analogy State concept before details “What’s the purpose?”

6 Communicating With Groups
Depict relationships clearly Food borne investigation Introduce new terms gently PERC = percolation test Keep words, sentences short Use active voice Use numbers (but not too many) How fast, how big, how many

7 Communicating to Groups
Avoid jargon Illness = morbidity Death = mortality Provide illustrations Charts, pictures Repeat major ideas, themes Three maximum Check out the message Use your best critics

8 Questions?

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