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Reviewing Expectations

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1 Reviewing Expectations
TWO Advisory Lessons Westport Middle School

2 Icebreaker- New Year’s Resolutions
Making a New Year’s Resolution is a popular tradition in January. Students- you will partner up with each other and discuss what goals you have for 2018. Be specific with the things you would like to accomplish and what you want to be different.

LT: I can review SOAR expectations for common areas. Agenda: Discussion: What things could we improve about Westport Middle School? Go over expectations for common areas. Students complete guided notes. Exit Slip

4 What things could we improve about Westport Middle School?
Turn and Talk: Talk to your neighbor for two minutes about what things students could help improve about our school. How can you improve the school? How can your friends improve the school? How can teachers improve the school? Share out: What did your partner say?

5 SOAR- What does it Stand For? What does it mean?
Stay on Task. Offer Your Best. Act Responsibly. Respect Does the Rest!

6 Complete the Guided Notes Worksheet as we review expectations for common areas at Westport.

7 Soar in the CLASSROOM Show up prepared to listen, participate, and learn. Focus on your goals– behavior and grades. Cell phones should be out of sight– in pockets or in backpacks and turned off. Hoods should be off at all times.

8 Soar in the Hallways Wait for teacher to dismiss into the hallways.
Students going to and from lunch stay on the right and on the blue in a single-file line. During class transitions students go directly to their next class. Do not go to other areas of the hallway. Backpacks must stay in lockers during the day. Phones must stay out of sight in hallways and restrooms.

9 Soar in the Stairwells When traveling down the stairwells with your class, stay at a Voice Level 1. The stairwells on the ends of the hallways are UP ONLY. The stairwell in the middle is DOWN ONLY.

10 Soar in the Cafeteria Walk to the cafeteria on a Voice Level 0, in a line on the right side of the hallway. Line up outside cafeteria and wait for permission to enter from cafeteria staff, teacher, or AP! Use Level 2 voice (table talk) while eating.

11 Exit Slip Write down one to three New Year’s Resolutions.
Answer the following questions: What will you will need to do to be successful? Who can help you reach your goals? How will you know when you have reached your goals?

12 Icebreaker: Two Truths and a Lie
Each student will tell two truths (facts) and one lie (fiction) about themselves. The other students will guess to see which one is correct.

LT: I can review the behavior system at Westport. Agenda: Discussion: What consequences matter to you? Go over Westport’s Behavior System. Students complete graphic organizer. Exit Slip

14 Consequences Turn and Talk: Talk to a partner about what consequences matter to you. Would earning a bad grade be a meaningful consequence? Would earning three or five infractions be a meaningful consequence? Would losing phone privileges be a meaningful consequence? Other possibilities: parent disapproval, times with friends, or silent lunch. Share Out: What did you partner say was a meaningful consequence?

15 Complete the Graphic Organizer as we review Westport’s Behavior System.

16 Westport Behavior System
Westport’s Behavior System uses infractions for misbehaviors. We use a school-wide tracking system. Any adult in the building can give you an infraction– in the hallway, in classrooms, in the cafeteria, etc. We can also see how many infractions you have gotten for the week and the entire school year and what the infractions were for.

17 Westport Behavior System
If you receive three infractions within one week, you will get a phone call or home to explain what the referrals are for. The phone call may be from any of your team teachers. You can get phone calls/ s at any other time as well, depending on the situation.

18 Westport Behavior System
If you receive five infractions within one week, you will receive a referral to the assistant principal. The assistant principal will determine your consequence. ISAP Suspension Parent/Teacher Conference Other

19 Why would you get an infraction?
Inappropriate Language Refusing to Work Off-Task Minor Dishonesty Non-Compliance Tardy to Class Calling Out Sleeping in Class Making Noises Cell Phone Out Put-Downs Throwing Objects

20 School-Based vs. JCPS Code of Conduct
For Level 3 and 4 behaviors, we go straight to the JCPS Code of Conduct.

21 Exit Slip Reflect on your behavior in class.
What is your biggest behavior challenge? Is it not talking, staying awake, being respectful? What can you change about your behavior to receive fewer infractions?

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