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FORCES AND STRUCTURES Force - the influence that tends to change the speed and direction of a stationary or a moving body.  External Forces Internal Forces.

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Presentation on theme: "FORCES AND STRUCTURES Force - the influence that tends to change the speed and direction of a stationary or a moving body.  External Forces Internal Forces."— Presentation transcript:

1 FORCES AND STRUCTURES Force - the influence that tends to change the speed and direction of a stationary or a moving body.  External Forces Internal Forces

2 There are 3 types of Internal forces. 1. Compression. 2. Tension. 3
There are 3 types of Internal forces Compression 2. Tension 3. Shear

3 COMPRESSION - pushing or squeezing force TENSION – pulling or stretching force SHEAR - two parallel opposite forces applied at same point - causes tearing

4 Lets look at some examples of these internal forces in our daily lives


6 Tension

7 Tension

8 Tension

9 Tension

10 Tension

11 Compression

12 Compression


14 Compression

15 Compression

16 Shearing




20 Complementary Force


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