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Transmembrane Proteins

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1 Transmembrane Proteins
Hot news and pictures about the translocation of transmembrane proteins. 03/12/2018 Stefan Maetschke

2 Translocation Haucke Stefan Maetschke 03/12/2018

3 SRP: Elongation arrest
Stefan Maetschke 03/12/2018

4 Signal Recogniton particle
Stefan Maetschke 03/12/2018

5 Ribosome, schematic White2005 Stefan Maetschke 03/12/2018

6 Ribosome & Translocon Stefan Maetschke 03/12/2018

7 Ribosome & Translocon White2005 Stefan Maetschke 03/12/2018

8 Sec61 Translocon White2005 Stefan Maetschke 03/12/2018

9 SecY heterodimer White2005 Stefan Maetschke 03/12/2018

10 Binding site for signal sequence
Berg2003 Stefan Maetschke 03/12/2018

11 Translocon, gating Rapoport2004 Stefan Maetschke 03/12/2018

12 The translocation code
White2005 Stefan Maetschke 03/12/2018

13 TMD & Lipid bilayer Bowie2005 Stefan Maetschke 03/12/2018

14 TMD Orientation Osborne2005 Stefan Maetschke 03/12/2018

15 Ribosome &Translocon Clemons2004 Stefan Maetschke 03/12/2018

16 References Stefan Maetschke 03/12/2018
White2005: White SH, von Heijne G. Transmembrane helices before, during, and after insertion. Curr Opin Struct Biol Aug;15(4): Bowie2005: James U. Bowie Cell biology: Border crossing Nature 433, (27 January 2005) Rapoport2004: Rapoport TA, Goder V, Heinrich SU, Matlack KE. Membrane-protein integration and the role of the translocation channel. Trends Cell Biol Oct;14(10): Osborne2005: A.R. Osborne, T.A. Rapoport, Bert van den Berg Protein translocation by the Seg61/SecY channel. Annu. Rev. Cell. Div. Biol. 2005; 21: Clemons2004: Clemons WM Jr, Menetret JF, Akey CW, Rapoport TA. Structural insight into the protein translocation channel. Curr Opin Struct Biol Aug;14(4):390-6. Berg2003: Bert van den Berg, William M. Clemons, Ian Collinson, Yorgo Modis, Enno Hartmann, Stephen C. Harrison, Tom A. Rapoport X-ray structure of a protein-conducting channel. Nature 427, (1 January 2004) Stefan Maetschke 03/12/2018

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