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Presentation on theme: "Crystals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Crystals

2 If you pour salt

3 into water

4 and stir it,

5 the salt will begin

6 to melt and will

7 entirely disappear;

8 but if you pour

9 more and still more

10 salt into it,

11 the salt will

12 in the end

13 not dissolve,

14 and no matter how

15 much you may stir

16 after that, the salt

17 will remain

18 as a white powder.

19 The water is saturated

20 with the salt

21 and cannot

22 receive any more.

23 But heat the water

24 and it will

25 receive more;

26 and the salt which

27 did not dissolve

28 in the cold water,

29 will melt in

30 hot water.

31 But pour in

32 more salt,

33 even the hot water

34 will not receive it.

35 And if you heat

36 the water still more,

37 the water will pass

38 away in steam,

39 and more of the

40 salt will be left.

41 Thus, for everything

42 which dissolves

43 in the water

44 there is a measure

45 after which

46 the water

47 will not dissolve

48 any more.

49 Of anything,

50 more will be dissolved

51 in hot than in

52 cold water,

53 and in each case,

54 when it is saturated,

55 it will not receive

56 any more.

57 The thing

58 will be left,

59 but the water will

60 go away in steam.

61 If the water

62 is saturated

63 with saltpetre powder,

64 and then more

65 saltpetre is added,

66 and all is heated

67 and is allowed

68 to cool off

69 without being stirred,

70 the extra saltpetre

71 will not

72 settle as a powder

73 at the bottom

74 of the water,

75 but will all

76 gather in little

77 six-edged columns,

78 and will settle

79 at the bottom

80 and at the sides,

81 one column near another.

82 If the water

83 is saturated with

84 saltpetre powder and

85 is put in a

86 warm place,

87 the water will go

88 away in vapours,

89 and the extra saltpetre

90 will again gather in

91 six-edged columns.

92 If water is

93 saturated with

94 simple salt and heated,

95 and is allowed

96 to pass away

97 in vapour,

98 the extra salt

99 will not settle

100 as powder,

101 but as little cubes.

102 If the water

103 is saturated

104 both with salt

105 and saltpetre,

106 the extra salt

107 and saltpetre

108 will not mix,

109 but will settle

110 each in its

111 own way:

112 the saltpetre in columns,

113 and the salt

114 in cubes.

115 If water is

116 saturated with lime,

117 or with some

118 other salt,

119 and anything else,

120 each thing will settle

121 in its own way,

122 when the water

123 passes away

124 in vapour: one in

125 three-edged columns,

126 another in eight-edged

127 columns, a third

128 in bricks,

129 a fourth in

130 little stars, — each

131 in its own way.

132 These figures are different

133 in each solid thing.

134 At times these forms

135 are as large

136 as a hand, —

137 such stones are found

138 in the ground.

139 At times these forms

140 are so small

141 that they cannot

142 be made out

143 with the naked eye;

144 but in each

145 thing there

146 is its own form.

147 If, when the

148 water is

149 saturated with saltpetre,

150 and little figures are

151 forming in it,

152 a corner be

153 broken off

154 one of these

155 little figures

156 with a needle,

157 new pieces

158 of saltpetre

159 will come up

160 and will fix

161 the broken end

162 as it ought

163 to be, —

164 into a

165 six-edged column.

166 The same will happen

167 to salt and to

168 any other thing.

169 All the tiny

170 particles turn around

171 and attach themselves

172 with the right side

173 to each other.

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