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Mahwish Abid Class Teacher The City School, Jr. Section, PAF Chapter

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1 Mahwish Abid Class Teacher The City School, Jr. Section, PAF Chapter
ACTION PLAN Mahwish Abid Class Teacher The City School, Jr. Section, PAF Chapter

2 Do not train children to learning by force and harshness, but direct them to it by what amuses their minds, so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each Plato

3 Long - Term Goal student’s abilities to understand the concepts
To inculcate 21st century skills to enhance student’s abilities to understand the concepts of social studies. To enable students to use IT to gain access to additional information sources .

4 Short - Term Goal To enable students to:
explain the term natural resources. name the different types of natural resources. list some metallic and non metallic minerals found in Pakistan. Identify ways they use water. complete the project work .

5 Subject: Social Studies
Grade : Topic : Natural Resources Content : explanation, discussion, group activities, project work. Skills : sorting , analyzing data , identifying , map reading , locating , reproducing facts , devising rules , reading , comprehending and understanding.

6 Instructional Strategies and Tasks
The objectives will be listed on the board for the student’s knowledge so that they can understand what they will achieve by the end of the lesson. Introduce the appropriate vocabulary related to the topic. I will gauge their understanding by asking questions from the text. I will provide an opportunity to the students to work in groups to do the activities that are planned . Later taking feedback from each group. Students will be encouraged to use Microsoft publisher to make a poster.

7 Solutions to Anticipated Challenges
Not many computers in the ICT lab to complete the individual task on time. Solutions: Will divide the group into subgroups and assign different task while working in the same group.

8 Time Line ( February ) Introduction to natural resources.
Week 1 Introduction to natural resources. Types of minerals Week 2 Watch your water use activity 6 A Renewable and non-renewable activity 6B Week 3 Saving our natural resources ( 4R’s ) ICT activity ( making posters ) Week 4 Coal mining Activity 6 C and 6 D

9 Objectives To enable students to:
explain the term natural resources. differentiate between renewable and non-renewable resources list metallic and non metallic minerals found in Pakistan. suggest ways to conserve water. define the 4R’sand their relationship to energy , water and chemical. identify difficulties involved in mining and health hazard caused due to the poisonous gases present in the mine.

10 Vocabulary resources reduce gypsum recycle wages deforestation
conserving recycle wages deforestation

11 Discovering Natural Resources
SAMPLE WORKSHEET Discovering Natural Resources Directions:Explore your classroom, your home, or the playground. Try to discover and record as many renewable and nonrenewable resources as you can. Renewable Nonrenewable


13 Resources Social studies Curriculum. Social Studies book.
Microsoft word. Internet.

14 Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.
Chinese Proverb Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.

15 It's not what is poured into a student that counts, but what is planted. Linda Conway

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