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Ecology Review QODs.

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1 Ecology Review QODs

2 Q1:The carrying capacity of a population is defined as………
Q3:Which of the following interspecific interactions represents a form of interaction different from the others Q1:The carrying capacity of a population is defined as……… Q2:A bacterial colony that exists in an environment displaying ideal conditions will display.. The maximum population size that a certain environment can support at a given time The number of different types of species a biome can support Deadly bacterium and its host Tick on a human Honeybee and apple blossoms Deer grazing on shrubs Logistic Growth Exponential Growth

3 Reminder/Takeaways Population is a group of individuals of the same species living in the same area at the same time Describe populations as Clumped (around a resource), Uniform (territorial), Random (idealistic) Exponential growth- ideal conditions [r selection] Logistic growth- carrying capacity (K), N decrease as it approaches K [K selection] Predation-Parasitism (+/-)/Mutualism (+/+)/Commensalism (+/0)

4 Q3:A fire cleared a large area of forest. The area started to grow back. What is this called?
Q1:When one species is removed from a tide pool, the species richness became significantly reduced. The removed species was.. Q2:Which of the following is NOT a density dependent factor limiting population growth Primary Succession Secondary Succession Predation Competition disease Forest fire Foundation species Invasive species Keystone species Dominant species

5 Reminder/Takeaways Foundation (engineers), Keystone (most important), Dominant (important), Invasive (non native-no competitors) Density independent factors: NATURAL DISASTERS Primary Succession-first growth Secondary Succession- second growth (pioneer species to climax communities)

6 Q1:poisonous frogs are brightly colored. This is an example of..
Which of the following is not correct about plants Q3:Primary Productivity is the amt. Of light energy is converted to chemical energy. Which of the following would have the smallest influence primary productivity. Cryptic coloration Aposematic coloration Batesian Mimicry Mullerian Mimicry Primary producers Autotrophs Largest biomass Consumers Nutrient Availability Amount of Sunlight Temperature Elevation

7 Reminder/Takeaways Cryptic Coloration (camo);Aposematic (bright colors); Batesian (harmless mimics harmful); Mullerian (bad tasting) Trophic levels and 10% rule (food web and food chain) NPP = GPP - R

8 Q1:Matter Cycles and energy does not cycle
Q3:which of the following is a key component of the nitrogen cycle Q2:Which of the following is NOT a way to increase the carbon output in the atmosphere? True False Bacteria Animals Plants Combustion Respiration Photosynthesis Decomposition

9 Reminder/Takeaways Matter cycles [biogeochemical cycles] and energy does not [10% rule] Carbon Cycle [only way to remove is via photosynthesis]-increase in burning of fossil fuels has changed the balance of carbon in the atm. Leading to acid rain, greenhouse effect, global warming etc. Nitrogen is most abundant but can not assimilate

10 Biological magnification Greenhouse effect Global warming
Q3:A hawk eats a snake that eats a mouse which eats grass. The hawk is a.. Q1:Which of the following refers to the absorption of heat the Earth experiences due to certain atm. gases a)primary producer b) primary consumer c) secondary consumer d) tertiary consumer Acid precipitation Biological magnification Greenhouse effect Global warming Q2:There are only 2 blue birds left in the world. Scientists will examine what is causing this declining in the environment and try to fix the problem. This is an example of.. A)small population approach B) declining population approach

11 Reminder/Takeaways Carbon cycle is disrupted due to burning of fossil fuels- leads to acid rain and the greenhouse effect (carbon dioxide and water intercept and absorb reflected infrared radiation reflecting some back to earth) this leads to global warming Biological magnification (increase in toxicity) b) small population (forced breeding) declining (enviro.) c) trophic levels

12 Q1:Match the following: Q3:Match the following:
Q2:Pavlov’s experiment is an example of.. FAP Imprinting Taxis Kinesis Critical period Sign stimulus Random movement Directed movement Habituation Communication Agonistic Dominance Altruistic 1)Give up for greater good 2) baby bird and leaves falling example 3) two dogs meet-one rolls over 4) Pheromones 5) two males fighting Classical Conditioning Operant Conditioning

13 Reminder/Takeaways FAP=sign stimulus (red belly)/ Imprinting=critical period (ducks and movement)/ Taxis (fish) and Kinesis (pill bug) Classical (stimulus with reward/punishment) and Operant (trial and error ex. Skinner box) Social behaviors due to evolutionary relationships over time [ethology is the study of these behaviors]

14 Q1: Q2:

15 Reminder/Takeaways A) B) rate=slope!!!

16 Q1: Q2:Calculate rate of change from the graph below

17 Reminder/Takeaways A) B)rate= slope (160-80) / (4-2) = 40 miles/hour

18 Q1:

19 Reminder/Takeaways

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