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Statistical literacy websites

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1 Statistical literacy websites
Alicia Fernández Sanz 1

2 Why to design a literacy website?
General feeling: NSO’s want to increase statistical literacy among the general population Why? Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics (UN) Principle 1: Official statistics provide an indispensable element in the information system of a democratic society, serving the government, the economy and the public with data about the economic, demographic, social and environmental situation. (...) We want people to understand our products 2

3 Why to design a literacy website?
But what happens if, despite that effort, I don’t understand? Don’t worry!. Just ask us through our communication channel Ok. Could you please explain me what the European Statistical System is and how it works? Upppss... It’s an interesting question. Maybe the best way of answering is providing a website with that information! Besides, it will be at the disposal of everyone interested! Thanks. But please note maybe I’m not a statistician nor a mathematician nor an economist; or maybe I’m a teenager. As far as possible, avoid technical language please. Ok. Let me see what I can do. 3

4 Our literacy portal: explica

5 Our literacy portal: explica
Underlying Philosofy: General contents regarding: Statistics as a science How the INE works Curios data History of statistitics Statistics in others spheres: philately Explanatory videos presented in an attractive way Addressed to teenagers and adults. No distinction between teachers / pupils. explica is a newborn project open to new sections and contents 5

6 Just for your fun! A couple of interesting things

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