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COMM301 Cultural Studies Space and Time.

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Presentation on theme: "COMM301 Cultural Studies Space and Time."— Presentation transcript:

1 COMM301 Cultural Studies Space and Time

2 Space and Place Human interaction is situated in particular spaces that have variety of social meanings. For example: A home is divided into different living spaces. Bedrooms: intimate spaces, strangers are not invited. Activity: Name each room ( a house or a place of work) and write in: activities occur in that room- the connotations of that room- the backspace/front space of the room- the gendered character of the room

3 Time- geography Time-geography traces the routinized paths of individuals in timespace, and espacially interested in the phsical, technological, economic and social constraints on such movement. Given the complexity of contemporary life, it is a requirement on us all to move across and through these spaces and places: Places of work Places of leisure Places of sleep Places to eat Places to shop, and so forth

4 Time-Space Time and space constitute each other.
Massey (1994) proposes 5 arguments about space: Space is a social construct The social is spatially constructed Social space is not static but dynamic. It changes. Space is implicated in questions of power and symbolism. Social space implies a simultaneous multiplicity of cross-cutting, intersecting, aligning with another, or existing in realtions of paradox or antagonism.

5 Diesel Global Warming Ads play with time and space differences



8 Space refers to an abstract idea, an empty or dead space that is filled with various concrete, and specific human places Places are dicoursive constructions which are the target of emotional identification like human experince, memoirs, desires, identities

9 Modernity and Time Premodern conceptions of time is circular but the modern is linear (past-present-future) Modern period: mechanical clock time - a heightened sense of the present (now-time) but we also see earlier senses of time (İslamic, indian etc.) Modern time is global in its impact It is powerful , undercutting premodern cultures of time Different groups have different temporal senses

10 Gendered space The classical western gendering of space:
Home-private: feminine Work places-public: Masculine

11 Postcolonial city Modern western restructring guided colonial and post-colonial responses to the influx of diverse ethnic groups and sunsequent demand for new housing. (keeping European dwelings from African and immigrants)

12 Postmodern Global City
Centres of economic activities and capital- finance and banking- industries: New York, London, Tokyo, and Istanbul Migration and rapid population increase Pollution and other problems Polarization between the poor and the rich Crime and control-policing High prices for land and property

13 City as Text Representing the city involves the techniques of writing and imagining- metaphor, metonym and other rhetorical and visual devices. Example: Istanbul in the films.

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