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1. Remembering –Develops first few months. 2. Making Associations –associates parent or caregiver with receiving comfort.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Remembering –Develops first few months. 2. Making Associations –associates parent or caregiver with receiving comfort."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. Remembering –Develops first few months

2 2. Making Associations –associates parent or caregiver with receiving comfort

3 3. Understanding cause and effect –Shut eyes= it gets dark; Open eyes = gets light –Throw things deliberately –Understand their own power

4 4. Paying attention –Attention span grows longer –Brighter babies get bored quicker than average intelligence

5 Swiss psychologist, tried to understand how childrens intellectual skills developed -learning appears in same order; ages differ - 4 Periods

6 Four Stages 1.Sensorimotorbirth to 1 ½ yrs 2.Preoperational2-7 yrs 3.Concrete Operations 7-11 4.Formal Operations11 into adulthood

7 In this stage children learn about the world through their senses and body movements This stage is broken up into 6 different steps

8 Step One: Birth Infants are only aware of themselves They do not understand themselves as a a separate person

9 Step Two 1 to 4 months Learn to combine two reflexes For example they wave their fists and then bring it to their mouths

10 Step Three 4 to 8 months They respond to other stimuli Improves hand-eye coordination For example if a baby bumps a rattle and it makes a noise, they may try top bump it again. CAUSE & EFFECT

11 Step Four 8 to 12 months Intentional behavior They learn certain actions lead to certain results =MAKING ASSOCIATIONS Imitates others

12 They learn to follow objects with their eyes Love playing Peek-A- Boo

13 Ten months- learn Object Permanence That objects continue to exist even when out of sightcan find partially hidden objects

14 -Learn about child development -Give your time and attention -Provide positive feedback -Express you love -Talk, talk, talk PLAY, PLAY, PLAY -Play is work because it is essential to intellectual dev.

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