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Feedback for Continuous Improvement. Appraisers Half Day Development Session Managers and Appraisers Purpose – Reinforce and support all staff on the.

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Presentation on theme: "Feedback for Continuous Improvement. Appraisers Half Day Development Session Managers and Appraisers Purpose – Reinforce and support all staff on the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Feedback for Continuous Improvement

2 Appraisers Half Day Development Session Managers and Appraisers Purpose – Reinforce and support all staff on the specific skills of feedback both giving and receiving enabling development in line with the Capability Procedure Design – Educate all involved and enhance skills Big Picture – Linking individual objectives into the corporate goals and visions as well as identifying areas where both positive and developmental feedback are required Focus – Formal and informal feedback sessions aligned to the Capability Procedure

3 5 Ps of feedback – Regular Reviews preparation perceptions pre-framing performance personal/professional Objectives

4 Exceptional Feedback –Start with the end in mind Modelling Success Sharing in groups your objects Create a list of the components of exceptional feedback What do you need to prepare in advance

5 Understanding their world

6 Climbing into their shoes

7 Setting the Scene

8 Coaching Diamond – Scene Setting

9 Questing Skills – Encouraging thinking Open Probing Summarising Closed Asking questions to help them think!

10 Questioning to encourage thinking The Dance of Insight Ask permission Id like to have an open and valuable conversation regarding elements of your performance– I expect this to take approximately xxx– I know it is something we have both been reflecting on David Rock

11 Questioning to encourage thinking The Dance of Insight Placement Keeping the conversation on track –Id like to have an in- depth conversation regarding xxxxxx – I would like to hear your perspective on what you have learnt this year and how it will help you in the future – it might be an idea at this stage to keep to the big picture, so we do not become lost in the detail David Rock

12 Questioning to encourage thinking The Dance of Insight Questioning Using the word thinking in your questions encourages exactly that! What gaps can you see/hear/sense in your thinking David Rock

13 Questioning to encourage thinking The Dance of Insight Clarification – Repeat back what they have said as a short response – they know you have been listening David Rock

14 Listening for Potential Detail Agenda Hot Spots Filters

15 Listening for Potential Detail – Stay above the detail and listen for the potential in others Filters – Fitting people to our predetermined boxes – listen to their view of the world Agenda – Put your expectations and agenda to one side and hear their agenda Hot Spots – Avoid becoming lost in the drama of the situation – manage your own emotions – or you might become lost and act impulsively or say something which blocks further understanding

16 Silence A Powerful Tool

17 Feedback skills – general approach Invite their comments first Build on common ground What went well… Even better if…..

18 Feedback

19 Skills or Behaviour – Finding the balance AAction SSkill KKnowledge AAttitude BBehaviour EEmotions

20 Corrective Feedback – 4 Steps Tell them the issue – 100% you Ask them their views -100 % them Tell them what is unacceptable and against standards – 80/20 Ask them for solutions -20/80%

21 B - ALANCED O - BJECTIVE O - BSERVED S - PECIFIC T - IMELY Feedback – Coaching Style

22 B - ALANCED O - BJECTIVE O - BSERVED S - PECIFIC T - IMELY Feedback – Coaching Style Explore the positives Explore development areas Discuss behaviours not the person This is what I have seen In this situation Be sure the feedback in within a reasonable time

23 Feedback – Difficult Conversations- Behaviour BBehaviour EEffect EEnvironment RResult

24 Feedback – Difficult Conversations- Behaviour BehaviourThis is the behaviour I have observed EffectThis is the impact of that behaviour EnvironmentThis is the situation it occurred in ResultThis is the result

25 STAR – Difficult Conversations -Skills SSpecific TTask AActions RResult

26 STAR – Skills Situation Task Action Result Alternative In the meeting last week You assured me you would have the report competed by Wednesday Although I received it on time, the statistics hadnt been updated from last month I was unable to present the correct information Another time, please will you check all of the report before handing it to me

27 Feedback as a Gift

28 The Johari Window - Feedback is a gift Not Known to Self Known to Self The Public Self The Blind Self The Private Self The Unknown Self Selecting the right development activity based on development need and SMART objectives Skill Behaviour

29 Managing your reactions Stop! Look! Listen! Evaluate

30 Personal and professional Objectives Bring SMARTer

31 even SMARTer…..? S SpecificSimpleStretchingStrategic M MeasurableMeaningfulMotivatingManageable A AchievableAgreedAppropriateAcceptable R RealisticResourcedReasonableRecognisable T TimeboundTimelyTrueTargeted

32 Small group activity On a flipchart, draft some SMART Objectives as a result of this workshop Where is the emphasis ASK or ABE

33 Final Curtain preparation perceptions pre-framing performance personal/professional objectives

34 Action Planning – SMART objective Please write a SMART objective to focus on how you will apply the learning from the workshop in the future Keep a note of the objective and email it to Janet Cattini - within 2 weeks of this Please use your experience from the workshop, to ̶ prepare for your appraisal ̶ provide evidence of your achievements, ̶ enter into a 2 way feedback discussion

35 Examples of SMART objectives - 1 2. An excellent teaching portfolio Corporate Plan Link Objective How will this objective be measured? Develop short courses for two individual units, launch and evaluate by April 2012 Encourage student participation on course boards aiming to recruit two additional students by December 2011 The courses will be successful when unit progression is more than 70% Two briefing sessions for students taken place. Two appointments made.

36 Examples of SMART objectives - 2 Corporate Plan Link 8. Simpler, faster decision making Create online resources by March 2012. Pilot methodology on 3 projects and provide facilitation and training. Work with ICT and the Executives office to develop an LSBU project methodology by January 2012. Methodology available online and evidence of use Positive feedback from pilot projects How will this objective be measured? Objective

37 Examples of SMART objectives - 3 Corporate Plan Link Objective How will this objective be measured? 9: Helping our staff perform Develop new Briefing Notes to tie in with on- going University strategic developments Promote the ICT Skills for Staff Blackboard site as a way of benchmarking, testing and developing staff ICT skills List of new briefing notes against strategic developments. Take up and evaluation of materials, aiming for a 20% increase on the previous year.

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