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Get your clickers ready!

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1 Get your clickers ready!
Ch. 8 Clicker Quiz! Get your clickers ready!

2 1. Where does most of the CO2 that we breathe out come from?
Sugar broken down in Glycolysis. Carbon compounds broken down in the Krebs cycle. Fermentation of pyruvate into lactic acid.

3 2. We breathe in oxygen. What do we use it for?
To pick up carbon atoms from the Kreb’s cycle. To clean out stale products from our cells. To pick up electrons and hydrogen ions at the end of the electron transport chain.

4 3. We also saw the electron transport chain in photosynthesis
3. We also saw the electron transport chain in photosynthesis. What did it produce? Glucose G3P ATP Citric Acid

5 4. So yes, ATP is produced in the chloroplast
4. So yes, ATP is produced in the chloroplast. Where is it used and what for? In the chloroplast, as an energy source for assembling carbon compounds. In the plant cell, to run the cell’s metabolism. Anywhere the cell needs it.

6 5. If the chloroplast keeps all of its ATP for its own use, how does the rest of the plant cell get ATP? From the sun. From cellular respiration by the mitochondria. From the C4 cycle. From the light-independent reactions of photosynthesis.

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