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Log in to Edmodo and follow your directions.

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Presentation on theme: "Log in to Edmodo and follow your directions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Log in to Edmodo and follow your directions.
10/30/17 To use this title animation slide with a new image simply 1) move the top semi-transparent shape to the side, 2) delete placeholder image, 3) click on the picture icon to add a new picture, 4) Move semi-transparent shape back to original position, 5) Update text on slide. Computer day! Log in to Edmodo and follow your directions.

2 Make sure you cross out the prompts as you respond to them.
10/31/17 To use this title animation slide with a new image simply 1) move the top semi-transparent shape to the side, 2) delete placeholder image, 3) click on the picture icon to add a new picture, 4) Move semi-transparent shape back to original position, 5) Update text on slide. Argument Journal Bingo Make sure you cross out the prompts as you respond to them.

3 “we need ghost stories because we, in fact, are the ghosts.”
― Stephen King, Danse Macabre

4 Today, we will spotlight ONLY your scary stories.
Author’s Spotlight Your Notecard: Fill in your notecard as usual, but make sure you are using your scary story. Answer the questions completely and thoroughly. Today, we will spotlight ONLY your scary stories. While Students are Reading Aloud: Fill out the rating page. 1 is the lowest rating. 5 is the highest rating. In your notebook: Answer the five peer review questions.

5 THEN Put your initials in the margin beside what you add.
Next we will play a game called PASS THE STORY You will pass your paper and add to the next story. Put your initials in the margin beside what you add. Don’t be rude, insensitive, or immature on someone else’s paper. You will have one minute at a time. Begin by writing this sentence first: It was a dark and stormy night, and the wind was rattling the windows. You will have 2 minutes to begin writing your story. Make sure your name is at the top of the page.

6 Bear Time: Argument Journal Prompt
11/1/17 ! Bear Time: Argument Journal Prompt Choose a prompt from your argument journal prompt bingo sheet. Respond by writing for the entire time limit. Say as much as you can. Do not stop writing. Make sure you mark out the prompts as you use them.

7 OSS: Opposite Side Statement C+C: Clause Plus Claim Statement
11/1 Mini-Lesson : 2 Anchor Charts 1 2 OSS: Opposite Side Statement C+C: Clause Plus Claim Statement Reference : The basics you can find anywhere 5 Steps To Successful Storytelling Published on April 5, 2014 Featured in: Marketing & Advertising

8 11/1 Writing Workshop Use a Hook, an OSS and a C+C for each Monster You Have in Your Notebook. Label your sentences.

9 11/2/17 Bear Time: Argument Journal Prompt
12/3/2018 3:36 PM 11/2/17 Bear Time: Argument Journal Prompt Choose a prompt from your argument journal prompt bingo sheet. Respond by writing for the entire time limit. Say as much as you can. Do not stop writing. Make sure you mark out the prompts as you use them. © 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

10 11/2/17 Writing Workshop Use a Hook, an OSS and a C+C for each Monster You Have in Your Notebook. Label your sentences.

11 11/3/17 Bear Time: Argument Journal Prompt
12/3/2018 3:36 PM 11/3/17 Bear Time: Argument Journal Prompt Choose a prompt from your argument journal prompt bingo sheet. Respond by writing for the entire time limit. Say as much as you can. Do not stop writing. Make sure you mark out the prompts as you use them. © 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

12 11/3/17 Writing Workshop Use a Hook, an OSS and a C+C for each Monster You Have in Your Notebook. Label your sentences.

13 11/3/17 Summary for the Week On a Notecard:
Construct one introduction paragraph using the sentences you have developed with your monsters. Tip: When using complex image as full-bleed background add a transparency (70%-90%) fill layer to give contrast to text.

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