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The Climate of Hyderabad

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1 The Climate of Hyderabad
Martin Budde Student in Physics

2 Current climate 31,7 °C mean temperature 800 mm mean precipitation
Berlin: 8,9 °C 800 mm mean precipitation Berlin: 581 mm Semi-arid climate, monsoon climate with two peaks Source:

3 Climate of Berlin Source: wikipedia

4 Variability of running mean precipitaion
Source: own work based on PIK-xdat database

5 Projection of change in mean annual precipitation under the A1B scenario
Source: own work, CERA data base

6 Projected relative changes in the mean annual precipitation
B1 -emission scenario A2 –emission scenario GFDL : ??? Source: own work, CERA-database

7 Frequency distribution of daily precipitation
Change in occurence of daily extreme precipitation > 80mm Scenario A2 70±6 % 53±17 % Scenario B1 17±15 % 93±16 % Übersetzung für bins ??? Source: own work (section 2.1), PIK-xdat database, IMD-database, KNMI-database, CERA-database

8 Change in frequency distribution
Source: own work (section 2.1), PIK-xdat database, IMD-database, KNMI-database, CERA-database

9 Number of days per year with a specific temperature
Source: own work, CMIP3 dataset

10 Change in number of days with more than 27°C minimum temperature
B1 -emission scenario A2 –emission scenario Sources: own work (section 2.2), PIK-xdat database, CMIP3 dataset

11 Projected relative changes in the number of heat wave events of one week or longer
B1 -emission scenario A2 –emission scenario Sources: own work (section 2.2), PIK-xdat database, CMIP3 dataset

12 annual average temperature
Changes in annual average temperature B1 -emission scenario A2 –emission scenario Source: own work, CMIP3 dataset


14 Relation between areal and station dat
Source: own work Source: own work, exemplary data from Xdat and IMD

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